New TV 55" £1000

28 Sep 2004
Devon, UK
Happy New Year first of all!

I'm looking to buy a new TV my current one is a LG 42" probably around 5/6 years old now. I've looked at some reviews and it seems one of the Samsung models is the best to go for?

Criteria is

55" or close
Around £700-£1000 max
Not curved as its wall mounted
I'd like something with a small ish bezel
i looked around for about two months when looking for my new tv.With all the reviews i read every tv brand has its issues when you look in to them.Best to go in store and take a look then check reviews to see if you like them.Then weigh up the good and bad points.

I went for a LG 55UF860V in the end and very pleased with it. You can pick them up from jl and rc for £899 at the moment
Thanks I will take a look at that one, I am slightly inclined to go with LG as the one I have has been so good and never caused any issues.

With new TV is there certain things I should be looking for? Like any light bleed or I did read something about fast moving images can blur? I do watch quite a lot of sports and films so definitely don't want blur.
go do a search for the avforum so much information to help out and hours of reading every thing you need to no is there.GO look at a section in the forum called LCD & LED LCD TVs lots of owners threads on all the popular tvs with real feed back on the good and bad points.
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You may find a panasonic TX50CX802B in the sales for around 1000
Its meant to be a very good tv....I've only read about it and seen it in shops tho never owned one

A secondhand sony 55w905a is a great tv to buy, I have 3 sony w905a at home!

If you'll wall mounting the TV would the viewing angles matter much? as the new tech coming from oled tv's are great for viewing angles

The top tv's out at the moment are the LG oled ..these have a slight curve but its not bad like some tvs. My friends just wall mounted a oled 910v model looks ok
I think if anyone spending a grand should look at one of these as the extra hundred odd makes a difference right now but for this money it wont get you a 4k oled only 1080p
Many people would say there rather have a oled 1080p than a 4k VA ppanel or ips panel

How far away you sitting from the Tele? must it be 4k

its got to be flat then the panasonic or secondhand sony w9 or samsung f8000 are best

I just sent back a sony 55w805c as it was rubbish nothing like the older w9 model
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I've just been doing some research into the 55UF860V it looks quite impressive!

I am 10ft away from the TV, it doesn't need to be 4K and to be honest I'm not really bothered if it isn't I don't think 4K tech is going to take off/be around for that long. Also viewing angles aren't massively important I sit straight in front of it.

Just had a quick look into the OLED but can't see anything cheaper than £1300, I can't really afford that if it was £1000 then I would definitely consider it. £899 is definitely more easy on the wallet!

Will take a look at the TX50CX802B but think it may be over budget.
the TX50CX802B is a good tv but it has a edge lit panel like most .Only the 55inch and above come with the full array back lit panel the main reason the 55 inch and above versions are rated so good.
would second what swampy says about the sony 55w805c and some or there other 2015 models picture quality really good but let down by the android system and firmware updates
I think I'll pop to JL on Sunday and have a look at them, been reading up more on the LG and they say it suffers quite highly with lag, if you game have you had any issues with this?

Now to work out if a 55" TV would fit in a Leon MK2 :p
I have had a few over the last year inc 4k sony and the LG oled.

I settled for the Samsung H6400 55" and tbh have been very happy. It's a VA screen so has nice deep blacks. Well worth a look if they have one in your store.
i have been dithering over a TV to get , i had settled on the LG 4k set, then went to view it and was unsure after seeing the OLED set

im thinking, for now, i might just get that Samsung for £649 to get me by until the OLED stuff has settled down more (price and quality)
Its definately worth a look great screen for the price.

I had motion issues with the OLED very minor stutter on pannng shots but to me it was horrid. My Wife thought it was ok.

I also found the OLED oversaturated colours and needed a lot of setting up to get it to look natural and even then it was not great. The blacks are obviously good but again a little unrealistic. In the real world its rare you get completely black and i found the OLED made everything too black unless you cranked up the contrast and brightness then it looked a bit washy.

I have found the Samsung VA gives the best all round picture for me. I was surprised wheni had set it up how good the image is tbh. I was expecting to return it as it was considerably cheaper than the Sony 4K or LG OLED.
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I think I'll pop to JL on Sunday and have a look at them, been reading up more on the LG and they say it suffers quite highly with lag, if you game have you had any issues with this?

Now to work out if a 55" TV would fit in a Leon MK2 :p

you can look at online reviews ands chats till your blue in the teeth, your doing the right thing going into a shop and looking at them, beauty is in the eye! of the beholder don't they say

be interest in your thoughts on any models you look at,

you didn't mention if you watched a lot of 3D! but im guessing your Tv might bpre date that, but if it is of interest, the 4k LG tellies are worth a look as you get FULL HD passive 3D with the LG sets, as aposed to 1080I on the standard LG tellies like mine, its supposed to be a lot better quality, but not with the problems of active 3D on the samsungs

good luck anyway
After speaking to JL, RS and a local electrical retailer none of them have the 55UF860V in stock apart from the ones they have on display.

RS were extremely helpful on the phone today so much so that I'm going to go there tomorrow and demo a few different models with the manager. He even said he would move the LG OLED TV so I could view each of them side by side! He did say he personally has a Samsung model over the LG so we'll see tomorrow!

Re 3G - I haven't watched any 3D, Passive or Active, my TV is too old (LG 42H3000) also my AV Receiver (Onkyo TX-SR507) I don't think is capable, possibly it is with side by side 3D?

I've been trying to look out for motion blur and any kind of bleed, banding on my current TV. Watching downhill skiing this morning I noticed slight blur around the skier. I think I actually have a fair amount of edge bleed aswell but I've just got used to it and never noticed!
Re 3G - I haven't watched any 3D, Passive or Active, my TV is too old (LG 42H3000) also my AV Receiver (Onkyo TX-SR507) I don't think is capable, possibly it is with side by side 3D?

you couldn't pull a horse thru that amp never mind 3D :D
kidding of coarse mate, according to your amp specs it has
x HDMI Version 1.3a Output

cant quite remember but think 3D requires ver 1.4 for 3D.
maybe a good excuse for an all round upgrade :eek:

we went to currys today,.

im sure it was done on purpose, but could not help thinking the 4k ulta HD curved tvs looked awesome, they had a Samsung UE65JS9000 on the main wall, and despite my missus vowing we wouldn't go to 65" I couldn't pull her away from it, lol
Don't go there I've already thought about upgrading the receiver :(

We are ment to be buying our first house this year, my excuse is 'lets get it sorted before we buy as we won't be able to afford it after' :p
Don't go there I've already thought about upgrading the receiver :(

We are ment to be buying our first house this year, my excuse is 'lets get it sorted before we buy as we won't be able to afford it after' :p

well we bought our 1st house august last year, let me tell you, wish I had decided that as well, its been a mind bending struggle convincing her to agree with a new TV. I gave the whole "I have sacrificed a lot to get this house" act to win her majesty over

good luck :D
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