New TV 55" £1000

What made you want 4K?

Other than the fact the every TV manufacturer seems to stick it in your face at every opportunity. :)
Go online to Home Theater Magazine and read the reviews on TVs, along with the pro and con of each technology is a good way to looking for TVs.

In addition ,Samsung and LG make the best,just google a 4k tv within those brand names than then you'll be able to narrow down to what you prefer.
The 55JS8000 is also on my list as I'm on my third Panasonic 50cx802 and still not happy with it. I get terrible banding when it displays plain backgrounds/panning shots .... Football and cricket show it the worst and I just can't live with it on a £1200 TV.

I've narrowed it down to Samsung in either the 55JS8000, 48/55 8500 or 9000. Just not sure I want curved.
The 55JS8000 is also on my list as I'm on my third Panasonic 50cx802 and still not happy with it. I get terrible banding when it displays plain backgrounds/panning shots .... Football and cricket show it the worst and I just can't live with it on a £1200 TV.

I've narrowed it down to Samsung in either the 55JS8000, 48/55 8500 or 9000. Just not sure I want curved.

So why not go with the LG 55EC930V currently £1299, yes it's curved, but you'll get none of the issues you see with TV's that have back-lights?
What made you want 4K?

Other than the fact the every TV manufacturer seems to stick it in your face at every opportunity. :)

Future proofing. I tend to keep my TV's for a good few years. Buying a 1080P TV now for ~500 is one thing but spending 1.3k on a TV that doesn't have 4k seems a waste. I also wall mount my TV so wanted a flat screen.

4k may indeed be a year or two off but curved screens really are a gimmick.
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I'm highly disappointed with 4K, well at least for now. The content available on Amazon/Netfilx is woeful compared to a good Bluray disc, and the thought of having to buy them in 4K again just annoys me.

I think future proofing is probably wishful thinking since 8K is on it's way now, and was always the target since they demonstrated it during the 2012 Olympics.

In my eyes 4K was and is a desperate measure to sell more sets now that the hype of 3D has long gone.

I'll eat my hat (need to buy a hat first) if there are more than 5 Sky channels by the year end, broadcast in 4K that doesn't cost you £30+ a month on top of your normal costs.

I agree, curved screens are annoying, especially if you wall mount your display.

I'd still say look at a flat OLED, spend a few quid more, especially if like you say you keep your TV for a number of years. :)
Samsung H6400 seems the best bang for buck at the moment.

It's really not a great time to blow a whole lot of money on a TV over the next year or 2.
It's a whole grand more than the Samsung but it is not double the quality that's for sure!

Like must things in life, performance does not increase linearly with the price.

Most folk in the high end TV market 2-3 years ago, wouldn't have batted an eyelid at dropping that sort of cash on a Panasonic VT 55" Plasma, as they offered the best picture you could get, regardless of the price. The LG OLED sets are now starting to occupy that space, if picture quality is your ultimate goal.

Buyers of this generation on a budget either drop down the the 55" curved version for £1200, and then replace it if you aren't happy in 18-24 months spending another £1200, or spend the whole lot up front and keep it for longer.
Just this week I upgraded my Panny 50G10B. I looked at loads of sets but went for the LG 55EC930v - had read about all the possible issues and looked at it several times because I was wary of the curve. Have to say it's the best picture I have seen in I think ever. Yes it's 1080p but oh my god the picture is incredible. Mainly use the TV for watching films and everything I've seen so far has blown me away. Watched some HD football as well expecting it to be terrible after hearing about motion issues - but this two was excellent. If films is what your after then I haven't seen a better screen. Yes it's (barely) curved and this isn't to everyone's liking but once set up this screen is hard to beat.
I've decided tonight to send my third 50cx802 back and get a cheap 40" 1080p screen until I see what 2016 has to offer with oled. Even if the current ones come down to a similar level to the penny I've tried.

I just don't think I'm going to get a screen where I'm not going to notice the banding on sports shows.....does my head in. I wish I'd never gave my old 42" panny plasma away :-(
Just this week I upgraded my Panny 50G10B. I looked at loads of sets but went for the LG 55EC930v - had read about all the possible issues and looked at it several times because I was wary of the curve. Have to say it's the best picture I have seen in I think ever. Yes it's 1080p but oh my god the picture is incredible. Mainly use the TV for watching films and everything I've seen so far has blown me away. Watched some HD football as well expecting it to be terrible after hearing about motion issues - but this two was excellent. If films is what your after then I haven't seen a better screen. Yes it's (barely) curved and this isn't to everyone's liking but once set up this screen is hard to beat.

do you notice any colour tint that gets mentioned with this TV?
Samsung H6400 seems the best bang for buck at the moment.

It's really not a great time to blow a whole lot of money on a TV over the next year or 2.

Bought a 48" one of these a year ago, still loving it.

Should last me until price of a 55" OLED comes down to the right sort of level
do you notice any colour tint that gets mentioned with this TV?

99.9% of the time no - if I'm using it as designed - I.e actually watching films or playing games it's not noticeable to me. IF I sit with a static white background and look hard enough I can sometimes make out a slight tint on the right side of the panel :p I guess if you look hard enough you can find fault in everything. For me though it's not going to be an issue. I appreciate some people are more sensitive to things but I really can't notice. I'll report back if anything changes !
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