New TV forever changing budget, the future 8k , 120hz & 2.1 HDMI

Just came across thread. Have the LG 65C9 oled upstairs and a 65Q9FN downstairs...regarding oled our living room on sunny days, oled brightness can't compete with room is with sun shinng and screen becomes very washed out and hard to see(see table and washing basket on table rather than whats on the screen)...image below is when sun went behind a cloud and suddenly can see again...we don't have thick curtains and only extreme case, but that's why reviews etc suggest something like the NeoQled for bright rooms...Evening etc no problem and picture quality is superb...moving house next week so solves problem for me. Other diff on the lg oled are all the hdmi inputs on back are 2.1 on the C1(so 4 of them)...sammy and sony think it's just one..worth checking, esp if connecting up other kit

as side note, if going 55in if others reading, costco have last years 55CX for £869 I think...uses the same panel as the C1 (and C9 for that matter), except the menu system has been updated, so in real world watching at home, you wont notice any difference.
A friend just got the neoqled and they say pic blows them away compared to the old tv(certainly the 2 65 inch tv's i've got blow my old sony away)...I think by the time you get a top TV(be it Sony, Panny, Sammy or LG) at home, and your not looking for this against that, they'll all look good, and if one is £300 cheaper than another, I'd save the cash. The QD Oled should make a difference this year, with the oled going a lot brighter..and should get rid of burn in worry(not that I have a prob with that on mine and game on it etc)

Thanks will make a note, that sun seems extreme that close to them huge windows and doors but hopefully mine is away a lot more from the sun.
Now that the TV has bee chosen (LGC1) its got me thinking about the rest of the setup.

I currently run everything through my AV amp Denon AVR-X2200W which is 6 years old now, how will this affect the output of the tv as the amp has a lack of 2.1HDMI

for instances PC RTX 3060TI has 2.1hdmi - AV (no 2.1) - LGC1 2.1 support.

Same with the PS5 i'll be adding this year too, do you see that being a bottle neck? also same with the 120HZ output too.

Any advice please :)
Yup mine's just landed now but cannot setup till friday and being very impatient.

Does anybody have any advice on viewing angles and height thinking logically with our new babys and seen to be crawling and walkers etc soon they'll be leaning all over them floorstanders thinking i'd be best raising the TV and angling it downwards to the sofa.

Not ideal but think i could be saving myself pain the future, anybody insight on viewing height.

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