It's hard to see them going with 2160 with a more consumer friendly device, as of what we know of the current rendering and the horse power that needs. That said, HP's device is based on the old school, and was pushed toward industry where the infrastructure cost becomes less relevant, and where you'd imagine a co like HP would rather position itself. We've no idea though with what Valve have been doing with the hardware, or how they might be manipulating things with the software, only with the certainty they've been evolving SteamVR, and working on controllers that very much project the image of valves innovation on the gaming front.
This is all very exciting,
I'm hoping that all the snips of information we've had over the last 2 or 3 years all come to fruition when Valve say more. They've had people working on the integration of the hardware, software, control method, and the games in unison for 2 years at a minimum.
The Boneworks presentation stands to even more meaning now, we could be seeing valve lead the way again. Halflife 2 led the way in the way physics were integrated in to games, it was the first shot that continued on to this day with m/k interaction.
And now we move on, we've seen the various indie developers showing us tech presentations of finger control and how manipulating objects can be amazing, we've seen the Boneworks on how they plan in integrating in to the main stream. If Valve bring that to any of their established IP that were once the forbearers of the success they had in the gamers eye's to market with the Index, then it's the game changer killer APP VR has been waiting for in the eye's of the likes of Mr Perfect Chaos above.
There's always a never know, there's been quite a few over the last few weeks that have either excited us, or disappointed. Absolutely everything though has pointed toward more mainstream adoption and acceptance, be it the Rift S, Quest, and Valves Index.
There's a badge stamped on each one of those devices for a target audience.
I have only one request, Ocuk can you live the pre-order page either before I go to work, or in the evening when I get home