Would love to build one of these.
What are your costs?
Formbot kit? I got their V0.1 kit and I was very happy with it.
Where did you get your printed parts?
Good luck with the build.
Blurolls on AliExpress.Where were the mounts from that you got? (the 'bad' ones).
Got over 300 hours on it now with the PLA+ motor mounts and still haven't had any problem. Got replacements in ABS+ but have no motivation to change them
Got over 300 hours on it now with the PLA+ motor mounts and still haven't had any problem. Got replacements in ABS+ but have no motivation to change them
What material are you printing on the printer and for how long on average?
It's not necessarily that PLA+ isn't strong enough, it's that it's glass transition temperature is lower. Voron's were designed as enclosed ABS printers, so 50-60°c enclosure temp, 100+°c bed temp and 250+°c hotend temp. PLA and even PETg will fail quicker than ABS.
Exclusively Esun ABS+. The Z-Axiz motor mounts are outside the enclosure in the cooled electronics area. I am running 110 bed and 255 hotend. I doubt the motor mounts ever get higher than about 22 degrees celcius.
Should be ok then .
How would you rate the kit overall? My formbot V0.1 kit was 98% ok, but they sorted it out.