New VW Beadle

If the picture I posted has caused any genuine offence to a person with disability, I'll be the first to apologise.

Like I said, it's just a bit of silly schoolboy humour :)
UKDTweak said:
Not a good role model to our younger viewers who may think to look upto a Man of Honour ??

What's the fascination with being a role model to kids? Lots of the things that happen on here probably aren't showing kids how to live their lives, but that's what their parents are for.

Bet you go on about violence in games and sex in movies too.....
UKDTweak said:
Because it is not honourable to laugh at a persons dissability is it ??
Not a good role model to our younger viewers who may think to look upto a Man of Honour ??

Oh get a grip! It's funny to laugh at people who are different, that's what jokes are about!

If you can't take the proverbial out of people, there would be no humour at all, it's not malicious, it's a light hearted JOKE.
Oh, and I don't think being a man of honour requires me to be a bastion of morals.

I wear my avatar with pride, but it doesn't dictate how I behave on the forum. That's what the rules are for.
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I mention a valid point and you all get defensive... hit a nerve did i..... i know and have told far worse jokes, but if this is fun to you, well im ashamed. I though forums were for disscusion, nobody wants to disscuse this issue of riddiculing the disabled? ok, i'll leave you to your lack of morals as you are not able to see the other side of being sick minded or understand the meaning of the word honour, and to tink Drexel, i stupidly though man of honour was awarded for decent behaviour, not tis sort of thing...

And to Oliver, i love violence in games and movies... guess you thought i was getting all marry whitehouse on the subject... WRONG !!
UKDTweak said:
and to tink Drexel, i stupidly though man of honour was awarded for decent behaviour, not tis sort of thing...

It's not my place to discuss the reasons for the Man of Honour awards, that's the decision of the dons and Spie.

I'm not sure if sense of humour comes into it though......

And FYI I don't find the riddicule of disabled people funny. I wouldn't class these jokes as riddicule of disability though :)
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UKDTweak said:
i know and have told far worse jokes

In that case, get off your moral high horse. If you don't like what is being posted use the RTM feature.
The reason some members have the Man of Honour title is not because they were moral models of perfection, it was partly because of their individuality and ability to express their opinion without folding at the first objection.

I understand your concerns but I feel that your understanding of this particular forum is lacking slightly. It is hard to convey such a joke in terms of text and imagery and you may not have picked up the light hearted tone to this post. I doubt any of the contributors in this thread intended to insult Mr. Beadle, from what I can see the various images were intended as light hearted jokes.

Smile! :D
I understood the joke perfectly, its not hard to see... just dont think it was funny so i commented, everyone else got on their high horses and told me to lighten up..... go figure..
LOLMAO at some of you guys :p

If you can't take a joke then tbh, you failed at one of lifes great things :p

I bet some of you write letters of complaint to TV companies whenever you hear the B word before the watershed or see an overly underdressed woman in a programme. :p

UKDTweak said:
Little amuses the innocent, less amuses an idiot .. LOL

Please don't call me an idiot, that would set a bad example to any kiddies reading. ;)
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And is also a personal attack. Lighten up,

Which is funnier ? The thread of the joke ? Joke, easily !
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