New VW Beadle

UKDTweak said:
Dont you get it yet, yes its a joke to you, but to others it is not, and it only takes one person to take it to heart and then it can get messy, this thread has already shown that a differance of opinion is frowned upon, just look at the responces ive had for airing my opinion... and daring to dissagree.

I get exactly what you mean, but isnt that the case with all humour?
UKDTweak said:
To calm down, i would need to be mad or uptight, im not though, as i said before, im just expressing my opinion, if you dont like it, stop giving me reason to reply....

Again i will point out that i would laugh and joke about anything, but phyisical dissability is too far, so its not that im uptight, or i dont have a sence of humour, i have been riddiculed for my dissability and know how much it can hurt, its easy to put on a face and shrug it of in front of others, but can still hurt inside, but you just dont see that point as your all so narrow minded and just think im being uptight, LOL... take a step back and think about it..... look at the other beadle post and see how many people have posted their dislike of this kiind of humour... im not alone, and its not being uptight.....

If you know you don't like this sort of humour, why did you not click the back button when you saw what this thread was about, rather than attempting to preach in it?
Preach, i gave my opinion, this is what a forum is about..... if you did not like my opinion, why bother to add your remarks ? hey ?

Last time i looked, we were all still allowed an opinion, and to voice it, as you have just voiced yours, simple enough concept i thought ?
Humour will nearly always offend someone because every joke needs a butt. Otherwise it wouldn't be a joke.

Had Jeremy recently died tragically then I'd say the joke was poorly timed and therefore in bad taste. But he hasn't, and it isn't.
LOL, at the end of the day the guy made a packet from being imo a very average TV presenter. Do you really think he's going to be sitting at home crying into his hot chocolate because someone on a forum posted a joke about a very mild disability which hasn't exactly held him back in life?!

If I was in his position everytime I heard a joke about me i'd be thinking "yeah, well i've made more money than you ever will mate".

Ok, ill say this one last time for those who cant read, im not uptight, im trying to make a point about humanities willingness to belittle or ridicule each other at somebodies expense, with little or no care for that persons feelings, as i have pointed out, i have made many jokes about others in the past so i am no angel and im not in a possition to be getting uptight, please read.......... it wont hurt.......
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I can read thanks, although if I couldn't I would be very offended by that tone, mocking those with literacy problems shame on you...

I was infact having a sneaky look at the forums at work and didn't realise this thread was more than one page :o
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