New Warcraft Guild for OcUK

See I used to like the stories and feel I should read the quest text more but it's only really a few questlines that are significant.

Noticed there are a few forced 'cutscenes' as a part of quests now which is quite cool. Learnt some new stuff about Sylvannas in Silverpine Forest last night, much better then quest reading.
Wanted to play tonight but the girlfriend has tricked me into making mince pies with her... damn her. Should be off work tomorrow so hoping to get to around level 20-25
Didn't get chance to play much last night, the wife had me doing chores. Not all bad though i had a happy ending ;)

I rolled a druid but i don't think i can bebothered to level another druid :( Might re-roll again tonight lol
Rainagul kindly donated 15g to me to create the guild crest. Its blue with some white thing on it with red border, colours of the forum..:-) Don't forget to buy a tabard, gets your rep up with the guild. Currently we are lvl 3 and a halfish so soon be zooming through the guild levels..

Im off to work now so wont be till late tonight if I get chance if not It will be tomorrow evening after work..

Happy leveling.
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