New York ...New York

Cheers for the input there QJ, who was with this with? was it a package etc?


America is always expensive with a short break... Our family went there for 40 days from July to end of August we ended up paying something like 3800 for 4 people and that is car+flights+accommodation...

We got extremely lucky, well it took hours of searching for best deals but we ended up paying 2400 for a car+flights and 1400 for downtown apartment in Chicago quite close to magnificent mile... The owner himself went away for long holiday and sublet the apartment to us :D It was pretty amazing apartment I have to say, I wish we had buildings like that in UK where you work out in the gym overlooking the whole city.

I`d personally suggest making holiday as long as possible and that way price per day will be no higher than a holiday with ryanair in spain.

I never saw the appeal of New York, for some reason for me Chicago looks much better.
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Take lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of money

this also, if you going to be eating 2-3 times a day in a restaurant... the money will just melt away :D

If you are renting car, remember that the bridges,tunnels cost about 10 dollars per pass.

Fuel prices in New Jersey are much cheaper, you will see something like 4.50 in new york and 3.20 in New Jersey... Thats about 15 dollars difference per tank
I went with the misses in 2010, one thing we did enjoy but didn't expect it to be so good was the open top bus tours. But may be a little cold in December.

There was a bus tour company called Grey Line. We done the following tours and thought they were all really good.

Downtown and Brooklyn - Daytime
Brooklyn - Night
Harlem and central park - Daytime
+1 for rockefeller over empire state.

Also if you do one of them tourbus things, get the night tour that goes through Brooklyn (it was a while ago so I cant remember the details!). There was a 10 minute stop for us at the east river - got some amazing views of the manhattan city line all light up and whatnot.

edit: beaten to it!
America is always expensive with a short break... Our family went there for 40 days from July to end of August we ended up paying something like 3800 for 4 people and that is car+flights+accommodation...

We got extremely lucky, well it took hours of searching for best deals but we ended up paying 2400 for a car+flights and 1400 for downtown apartment in Chicago quite close to magnificent mile... The owner himself went away for long holiday and sublet the apartment to us :D It was pretty amazing apartment I have to say, I wish we had buildings like that in UK where you work out in the gym overlooking the whole city.

So you had one place of accommodation for a whole 40 days? Surely that limited you to just Chicago and nearby. Hmm.
It's 30 miles long finishing north of Sleepy Hollow, good luck with that.

I should really sublet my apartment over festivus as I'm always in the UK...

Lol. I would recommend Broadway from Times Square down. You will see a lot of New York and get good bearings of the place.
We went around the same time two years ago, the Christmas build up made the place feel so epic! I proposed on Top of the Rock :D
Didnt think much of NY personally, Time Square is so ridiculously small it really puts film making into perspective when you see it and they make it look so big.

Oh and wear a coat, scarf and hat - the biggest you have. you think England is cold , you aint seen nothing yet.
Trying to organise a trip this December with a friend, and that will make it my third year that I've spent (part of) December in NYC. It's incredible. Not much to add to other people's recommendations, but in terms of food I'd advise reading the two posts by Oli Collett and Kr00ton from last year - some great restaurants there!

Also, as it'll be cold, I'd recommend booking a spot in the bar at The Bowery Hotel in front of the big fire and have a cocktail or two.
I'm going again in February and have requested one of these - supposed to be really good - hope we get one [Durr yes someone mentioned this above - I've known 3 people that have done it and they were full of praise]

Yes it will be damn cold

Surprised at the comments re. the Natural History Museum - I thought it was way better than London's
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last time we went it was the first week of was mad busy, they had police at pedestrian crossings on fifth avenue just to manage the crowds

but it all looks great all done up from christmas...I think you get used to seeing it in so many movies that when you are there its like visiting a movie set.

as people have said the greyline buses are good for getting a round, especially as you can buy a pass for a few days which lets you just hop on and off any of their tours, so ideal for getting around manhatten.

never got above -8 when we were there!!, was really bitter cold, breath caught in your throat and we invested in ear muffs as well as there loads of people selling them.

but then that made it all the better to drop in a deli or cafe for a huge sarnie or slice of cheescake and a coffee

there are many many attractions but I found the main one was the city itself as it is so familiar. Men in Black was on the tv in the hotel, and the next morning we were in Battery park sitting in the bench Will smith had was just plain wierd

Neil Diamond was on some news/chat show thing as well we were watching (might have been NBC's morning programme), then a couple of hours later we were at the rockefeller centre and he was singing carols
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