Newborn not sleeping through the day

Our few week old has been very fussy for the last week with colic symptoms. We were recommended Infacol, which was a waste of time, but were then recommend CoLactase which has worked wonders over the past few days. It breaks down the enzymes in milk and makes them easier to digest by young digestive systems.

Something worth looking into perhaps.

And yes, we're formula feeding. Not going into details here as to why (medical reasons and not for lack of trying) but I'd suggest anyone reading this thread ignores the ignorant posters above.
Infacol was a waste of time for us. As said proposed and diagnosed omeprazole and switching from cow and Gate to aptamil did the trick.

Also for god sake try and get a solid day nap routine in place. Even if they don't go straight down. Black out blinds, white noise machine, favourite muslin etc all help.

Ours gets up at 7 to start the day. Back down by 8. 45 for 90 mins. Back down at half 11 to 12.30. 2.30 to 4, and 5.30 to 6.15.

Been quite lucky he's been going down from half 7 at night, just needing to re put the dummy in at 5 or 6 and he will sleep until 7am
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Well, today i tried white noise, clothes in cot and a few other methods.

pretty much cried from 5pm till now and still going as i guess he’s over tired.

had plenty of feeds, nappy, winding and cuddles.

left him in his cot last hour and just screaming none stop, picked him up offer him a drink,a cuddle and nappy change and still kept screaming.

About to go for a drive.

You may need to get black out blinds if it's the light that's stopping him from sleeping.

However the fact he's crying could also point to teething or another problem.

Speak with your health visitor.
Iv heard endless parents who say there baby has issues with milk (that isn't their mums), causing all sorts of issues....endless crying, no sleep, etc

I just say, well, Yeh, ur feeding baby the wrong species of milk, it wreakes havoc on them! Cows milk is hugely different to human.

Cut out milk from other mammals and it will help, a lot, get soya baby formula or mums human milk, or prescription stuff thats had cows milk protein removed (even though some animal source remains, but it removes the worst allergens)

I guess soya milk formula is harder to get in the UK though?
Iv heard endless parents who say there baby has issues with milk (that isn't their mums), causing all sorts of issues....endless crying, no sleep, etc

I just say, well, Yeh, ur feeding baby the wrong species of milk, it wreakes havoc on them! Cows milk is hugely different to human.

Cut out milk from other mammals and it will help, a lot, get soya baby formula or mums human milk, or prescription stuff thats had cows milk protein removed (even though some animal source remains, but it removes the worst allergens)

I guess soya milk formula is harder to get in the UK though?
Nobody is feeding their new born cows milk. Some formula specifically for babies may have cows milk proteins in but that is a millions time different.
Have you checked them for cows milk protein allergy?

The comfort milk has smaller proteins to help them digest but it might be that they are actually not able to tolerate the cows milk protein.

Both my girls had this issue... First time was an absolute nightmare and sounds very similar to you. 2nd time we know what we were doing.

Speak to your doctor and ask them about their thoughts and see if they will prescribe Nutremigen.

To note the likes of Soya has very similar proteins to cows milk so try stay away from then. Stick to the likes of Oat milk or almond milk etc.

Comfort milk has less lactose in it.

There is another formula which has smaller proteins in it it's called sensavia.

Iv heard endless parents who say there baby has issues with milk (that isn't their mums), causing all sorts of issues....endless crying, no sleep, etc

I just say, well, Yeh, ur feeding baby the wrong species of milk, it wreakes havoc on them! Cows milk is hugely different to human.

Cut out milk from other mammals and it will help, a lot, get soya baby formula or mums human milk, or prescription stuff thats had cows milk protein removed (even though some animal source remains, but it removes the worst allergens)

I guess soya milk formula is harder to get in the UK though?

Soya is worse than cow's milk. No wonder there are so many transgender folk if that's a thing. It increases the female orientated hormones.

There are several formula milks available which account for colic, lactose intolerance, smaller proteins and enzymes, reflux, dairy allergies, etc.

You can try them one by one however it takes about 2 weeks for a babies stomach to adjust so it could take a while to figure out. Ours wasn't happy with either of the three different aptamil types we tried and was happy with cow and gate.

All a baby needs until they are 6 months is formula. Also all kids should then after 6 months still be given formula up until a year old with weaning onto soft foods as well so a mixture of both.

Formula is completely different to cow's milk also albeit it will contain some of it in it.
I guess soya milk formula is harder to get in the UK though?

If you don't even know this should you really be advising?

I just say, well, Yeh, ur feeding baby the wrong species of milk, it wreakes havoc on them! Cows milk is hugely different to human.

Jesus wept. Cows milk based formula (I'm assuming you're not just referring to straight cows milk) is different but Soya is oh so similar?
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Lol! No wonder there is a obesity issues in this country haha.

I'd be less worried about obesity in that situation but the damage to the child both physically to their stomach and nutritionally to their developing body especially their brain. Coke actually dehydrates you and destroys your uptake of nutrition so their body and brain won't be developing optimally, obviously depends on the amounts given and frequency but the sugar intake albeit horrific would be third on my list of concerns to the other two.

I'd also be concerned about the fact if they had done that what else will they be doing as they will have been told several times formula only for 6 months. It used to be 3 months many moons ago but revised to 6 months but a newborn I could imagine a little could be extremely damaging to their body and the calories wouldn't literally be worth registering against the other major hazards.
Routine routine routine routine routine.

sort a routine for their sleeps and bath times (every night for the bath) and it will slowly fall into place
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