Where do you think the trend came from to cut holes in a bedsheet and stick it on your head?!
Fapping in bed.... and it makes ghosts visible.
Where do you think the trend came from to cut holes in a bedsheet and stick it on your head?!
Looks like an Ood
Not sure if the Rev made any money from it?
If its clearly a fake then how come its yet to be debunked for all these years? The only explanation I've seen for it is from some internet expert that seems to require conditions akin to the planets aligning and a lottery win in the same day.
Sam Wheat Sam Wheat Sam Wheat Sam Wheat Sam Wheat Sam Wheat...
How is this still being discussed? Literally anyone with a camera and neutral density filter can make an image like that. It's just a long exposure where the guy wearing the sheet moves out of shot half way through.
How is this still being discussed? Literally anyone with a camera and neutral density filter can make an image like that. It's just a long exposure where the guy wearing the sheet moves out of shot half way through.
This picture could be easily faked today.
What makes it interesting is it was released in the 60's and no tampering was ever found.
Of course it doesn't make it a ghost in the picture but still interesting. It wasn't taken by your typical Ghost hunter but by a priest who maintained he never saw anything whilst taking the picture and the figure only appeared after being developed.
You live up to your name But also, I agree. Ghosts may not be real, but explaining the unexplained has been science's goal from the outset. And there's nothing wrong with things like this sparking imagination! Real or not.This picture could be easily faked today.
What makes it interesting is it was released in the 60's and no tampering was ever found.
Of course it doesn't make it a ghost in the picture but still interesting. It wasn't taken by your typical Ghost hunter but by a priest who maintained he never saw anything whilst taking the picture and the figure only appeared after being developed.
This picture could be easily faked today.
What makes it interesting is it was released in the 60's and no tampering was ever found.
Of course it doesn't make it a ghost in the picture but still interesting. It wasn't taken by your typical Ghost hunter but by a priest who maintained he never saw anything whilst taking the picture and the figure only appeared after being developed.
ND filters and long-exposure existed in the 60s. Christ, we're not talking about cave paintings.
Fapping in bed.... and it makes ghosts visible.
I can see your point...
Ghosts are not real.
I can see your point...