NEWS: Alan Johnston Released

dannyjo22 said:
Whatever he makes from it he deserves ten fold.
Interesting idea, that being kidnapped means you deserve lots of money.

Good to see he's been released, as others have said its a) good to have some good news, and b) its a surprise, I expected to see him in another Daniel Pearl style video :(

All the bloggers that used his button can pat themselves on the back because they personally helped get him released.
Bar said:
Interesting to see what the political ramifications will be in the longer term for Hamas though.

They have managed to acheive what no one else was able to.
Indeed, the kidnappers (according to Alan Johnson) became nervous once Hamas took control of security. So apparently the threat of a long and nasty death works as a deterrent after all.
I found it really satisfying to hear Alan Johnston's comments on the radio this morning about how reassuring it was during his captivity to hear on the World Service that people from all over the world were expressing their support for him.

He also talked about the many other journalists around the world who have been kidnapped and/or killed while trying to report in 'difficult' and dangerous environments and said that he would do anything he could to help Reporters Without Borders
VIRII said:
Indeed, the kidnappers (according to Alan Johnson) became nervous once Hamas took control of security. So apparently the threat of a long and nasty death works as a deterrent after all.

yup you cant beat kidnapping family members, punishement beatings and general intimidation with guys surrounding your neighbourhood armed to the teeth to bring a little pressure

I would advocate the same here to flush out terrorists but peoples human rights take precedence over public safety
VIRII said:
Indeed, the kidnappers (according to Alan Johnson) became nervous once Hamas took control of security. So apparently the threat of a long and nasty death works as a deterrent after all.

Interesting, I wonder if Shackley would see this as an argument in favour of brutality against the brutal?
jdickerson said:
Is it just me that thinks the media have no places in 'war zones'?

It does make them a target I guess, but they would argue that they should be there to provide a more balanced report on what is actually happening. Whether that is actually true or not is up for debate, but it's great news that he has been released.
cleanbluesky said:
Interesting, I wonder if Shackley would see this as an argument in favor of brutality against the brutal?

How can we allow this but condemn Saddam? His tactics were only against those who perceived to be civilians, as we have found out they are civilians and civilians.

jdickerson said:
Is it just me that thinks the media have no places in 'war zones'?
Probably not. I'm sure that the Americans in Vietnam would have been very happy if the media had not reported as they did and I expect many other people would go along with you, Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot, Josef Stalin, Serbian and Bosnian War Lords, various Hutus in Rwanda and on and on and on. You are in infamous company.

War criminals would rather control the flow of information through "authorised" channels.
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