NEWS: Alan Johnston Released

@if ®afiq said:
A groups of bandits are given protection by Fatah, Fatah is removed by Hamas and Hamas are not in cahoots with the bandits - hence they fear them. This is nothing but conjecture, but is as likely as your scenario.

Maybe the same reason that Fatah has guns. Try and think outside of the box that your hatred of Hamas has stuck you in!

And you say this whilst the UK/US are busy bombing the life out of a country that posed absolutely no threat to them? Whilst the troops from NATO (which pretty much covers the countries you consider to be "civilised") are busy killing civilians at an alarming rate in Afghanistan. And not forgetting the itch to bomb Iran.

All I can say is Orwell was a genius!
@if - just a polite suggestion - could we try in this thread to stick to Alan Johnston, who kidnapped him and why, his release and how it was arranged and the danger to Journalists reporting from such places as Gaza?

I agree with much that you say about Fatah / Hamas and the illegal invasion of Iraq but it would really, really be nice if we could just for once stick to a thread topic.

As I say, just an idea :)
VIRII said:
Thanks for the news clippings but what is it that you are trying to say?
Sorry :(

Alan Johnston yesterday received an award from Amnesty International for his "commitment to telling ordinary peoples' stories" - I consider this award from Amnesty International to be deserved and noteworthy.

Amnesty International and Reporters Without Borders are trying to highlight the dangers faced by journalists reporting from dangerous places - I consider that accurate reporting, particularly in hostile environments to be a good thing and therefore that this is a good campaign.

Some will say that Alan Johnston is biased and inaccurate - this is a judgement that you will have to make for yourself, he seems to me to have been the best we could get in the circumstances.

Oh yes, and I AM a fan of Alan Johnston - I consider him to be an incredibly brave guy who wants to inform, educate and give a silenced, oppressed people some sort of a voice :)
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VIRII said:
Do you approve of the mickey mouse character Hamas set up that encouraged children to kill jews? Yes or no?

Ahh...would this be the translated manuscript by non other than MEMRI? The same MEMRI who have quite sucessfully propagated the infamous lie about Ahmedinajad and the "wipe israel of the map" quote? Maybe you should try and read here
@if ®afiq said:
Ahh...would this be the translated manuscript by non other than MEMRI? The same MEMRI who have quite sucessfully propagated the infamous lie about Ahmedinajad and the "wipe israel of the map" quote? Maybe you should try and read here

You someone to accept the 'angry arab' as a source of Truth over MEMRI?

Also, you assume that the "wipe Israel off the map" quote was a lie, last time I read any significant analysis it was a ambiguous phrase

And remember that the UN have a host of translators and they were sure enough about Armenejahad's comment to condemn it
Shackley said:
Sorry :(

Alan Johnston yesterday received an award from Amnesty International for his "commitment to telling ordinary peoples' stories" - I consider this award from Amnesty International to be deserved and noteworthy.
Noteworthy. Hmmm. Apple has released a new mobile phone. That's noteworthy too. His committment to legitimising a gun crazed bunch of jew hating violent and brutal murderers? :cool:
Shackley said:
Amnesty International and Reporters Without Borders are trying to highlight the dangers faced by journalists reporting from dangerous places - I consider that accurate reporting, particularly in hostile environments to be a good thing and therefore that this is a good campaign.
Dangerous places.... well it would be a lot less dangerous if Hamas stopped trying to kill people, Israelis and Palestinians alike. Maybe it would be less dangerous if they stopped brainwashing their kids to hate and kill.
Shackley said:
Some will say that Alan Johnston is biased and inaccurate - this is a judgement that you will have to make for yourself, he seems to me to have been the best we could get in the circumstances.
He seems to me to be biased and inaccurate. No-one can excuse or legitimise using television to brainwash children into hate and murder.
Shackley said:
Oh yes, and I AM a fan of Alan Johnston -
I'm your biggest fan !!! /misery
Shackley said:
I consider him to be an incredibly brave guy who wants to inform, educate and give a silenced, oppressed people some sort of a voice :)
Silenced and oppressed by who? He seems to be giving Hamas a voice, not people who just want to get on with life and want the fighting to stop.
@if ®afiq said:
Ahh...would this be the translated manuscript by non other than MEMRI? The same MEMRI who have quite sucessfully propagated the infamous lie about Ahmedinajad and the "wipe israel of the map" quote? Maybe you should try and read here
So that video of the mouse with a gun was a photoshop by memri was it lol :D
Oooh the "angry arab" blog, well that must be true then :D

I notice that you've ducked 2 questions:

1. Do you think it is ok to teach children to hate Jews?
2. Have you threatened people with violence and do you think it is "normal" to do so?
A group of British parliamentarians is calling for international engagement with the militant Hamas movement, after it helped free Alan Johnston in Gaza. Twenty MPs from all parties, including Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond, signed the Commons motion a day after the BBC correspondent's release. It says Hamas's "pivotal role" in ending his kidnap shows it should join Palestinian reconciliation efforts.
. . .
The motion was tabled by Labour's Richard Burdon and was signed by MPs from across the political range. It notes the correspondent himself "acknowledged the pivotal role played by Hamas in condemning the kidnapping and securing his release".
. . .
Thursday's Commons motion also pays tribute to Alan Johnston's integrity and courage and the dignity shown by his parents since the 12 March abduction in Gaza City, during which several threats were made against his life. BBC Link
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cleanbluesky said:
Why are you highlighting that?

How much 'integrity or courage' does being a hostage take?

I wondered why he did not highlight in yellow but merely in bold the 20 whole MPs that now think Hamas is a legitimate party to negotiate with........

Oh they allegedly helped free a journalist so we can now over look the torture, murder, guns, bombings etc that they carry out and talk to them.....
Hamas hopeful after Alan's release

Now that Alan Johnston is free, Hamas hopes it has delivered several messages - the first is to any potential rivals in Gaza about who is boss.

The second, and most important of all for Palestinians, is that it is dedicated to ending the appalling lawlessness of the last few years.

The third message, aimed at the outside world, is that the release of Alan Johnston shows that Hamas is responsible, and powerful. BBC Link
This BBC report includes comment from Fayed Abu Shamala, the BBC's senior journalist in Gaza which he observes:
Today Gaza really feels different. It was so tense before Alan was released that I thought the rocks were dancing.

"Now, you could feel the relief of all the Palestinians. It's as if we're at a crossroads - 99.9% of Palestinians felt shame about what happened to Alan, so today we're happy.
Well worth a read :)
Shackley said:
This BBC report includes comment from Fayed Abu Shamala, the BBC's senior journalist in Gaza which he observes:Well worth a read :)
Mmmmm dedicated to installing law and order with boots and guns. Now who does that remind me of? Hmmm IRA kneecappings perhaps. A terrorist is a terrorist no matter how they try to justify or legitimise themselves.
An organisation that preaches hate and death and destruction and war against their neighbours is NOT legitimate.

Now has this senior journalist conducted some sort of poll about the shame that palestinians felt or "is this just fantasy........."

Well worth a read? No, it really isn't.
VIRII said:
Mmmmm dedicated to installing law and order with boots and guns. Now who does that remind me of? Hmmm IRA kneecappings perhaps. A terrorist is a terrorist no matter how they try to justify or legitimise themselves.
An organisation that preaches hate and death and destruction and war against their neighbours is NOT legitimate.

Now has this senior journalist conducted some sort of poll about the shame that palestinians felt or "is this just fantasy........."

Well worth a read? No, it really isn't.
It must be a real disappointment to you when Palestinians fail to adhere to your stereotypes.
Shackley said:
It must be a real disappointment to you when Palestinians fail to adhere to your stereotypes.
When have they failed to adhere to stereotype?

From the more indepth article with your lovely BBC journalist Fayed Abu Shamala :

"We hope no-one is going to dare to try any more kidnaps, because they know what they'd face." <----- OH really, what would they face? Rough *justice* at the end of a gun?

"The evening before Alan was freed, everyone thought it would be a bloody night in the area the Dugmush control." <------- Why? Hamas are so peaceful....

"There was a constant fear of violence - what if someone had started shooting, or fired a rocket propelled grenade? People would have been killed. Alan might have been killed," he said. " <------ Why Hamas are so peaceful and diplomatic......

"To make reality a little more palatable, a deal was done about an exchange of prisoners, and a fatwa was issued by a cleric authorising Alan's release." <-------- mmmm a fatwa and a prisoner exchange, democracy in action lol.......

Nope, seems Hamas are conforming strictly to stereotype of using violence to force people to their will.

I guess the disappointment is once again yours that these bloodthirsty terrorists that you support have not changed one iota.
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Shackley said:
You really are a shining beacon of hope and optimism, aren't you.

I sincerely hope that you represent a tiny minority and that there is nobody like you in Gaza :(

I prefer the term "realistic". I read the entire article and don't allow a mind boggling love of an organisation that hates jews and wants to kill them all or that teaches its children using a mickey mouse clone to kill jews to utterly cloud my judgement.

Hamas are terrorists. The EU and UN both refuse to deal with Hamas because of it.

Of course you are free to simply ignore the facts and to continue to post your infatuated commentary and to ignore the harsh realities in your romantic view of the world. It won't change any facts though.
Are you an ex hostage of theirs or something, you seem a bit stockholmed :)
Interesting article by Pilger about the Memory Hole:

Pilger said:
One of the leaders of demonstrations in Gaza calling for the release of the BBC reporter Alan Johnston was a Palestinian news cameraman, Imad Ghanem. On 5 July, he was shot by Israeli soldiers as he filmed them invading Gaza. A Reuters video shows bullets hitting his body as he lay on the ground. An ambulance trying to reach him was also attacked. The Israelis described him as a "legitimate target". The International Federation of Journalists called the shooting "a vicious and brutal example of deliberate targeting of a journalist". At the age of 21, he has had both legs amputated.

Dr David Halpin, a British trauma surgeon who works with Palestinian children, emailed the BBC's Middle East editor, Jeremy Bowen. "The BBC should report the alleged details about the shooting," he wrote. "It should honour Alan [Johnston] as a journalist by reporting the facts, uncomfortable as they might be to Israel."

He received no reply.
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