NFS@home challenge

Lot's of wu's to crunch:

16e Lattice Sieve: 49,964 wu's ready to sent and 31,409 wu's in progress.
16e Lattice Sieve V5: 50,391 wu's ready to sent and 16,137 wu's in progress.

Carlos Pinho
2,1037- sieve (16e and 16e V5 applications)

Last 16e Lattice Sieve application wu received is at ~q=782.000M.
Last 16e Lattice Sieve V5 application wu received is at ~q=959.000M (second chunck restarted at 950M going to 1,000M: meaning going backwards from 1,000M until meet 16e in the middle).
Last 16e Lattice Sieve V5 application already sent all wu's from 1,000M to 1,400M (first chunk).

Overall Q range sieve of 2,1027- started at 20M to 1,400M.

Q range situation is this:
20M-782M (sent through 16e application, remaining wu's close to be done)
782M-950M (unsent)
950M-959M (sent, remaining wu's close to be done)
959M-1000M (unsent, will be sent through 16e V5 application)
1000M-1400M (sent through 16e V5 application, remaining wu's close to be done)

Second part of the challenge will start tomorrow, and about 2,1037- sieve, we still have about ~209k wu's left to be crunched, ~113k already created, ~46k in progress. If people can leave their machines for the Second Part of the challenge would be great because I think with the current rate all 2,1037- wu's will be sent to people to crunch.
Second part of the challenge is underway at

2,1037- figures:

Last 16e Lattice Sieve application wu received is at ~q=801M.
Last 16e Lattice Sieve V5 application wu received is at ~q=970M (second chunk restarted at 950M going to 1,000M: meaning going backwards from 1,000M until meet 16e in the middle).
Last 16e Lattice Sieve V5 application already sent all wu's from 1,000M to 1,400M (first chunk).

Overall Q range sieve of 2,1037- started at 20M to 1,400M.

Q range situation is this:
20M-801M (sent through 16e application, remaining wu's close to be done)
801M-950M (unsent)
950M-970M (sent, remaining wu's close to be done)
970M-1000M (unsent, will be sent through 16e V5 application)
1000M-1400M (sent through 16e V5 application, remaining wu's close to be done)

In terms of work still to be done we are talking about ~179k wu's left to be crunched, ~82k already created, ~46k in progress.

Considering my machine (core i5 750 with cache set to 200, 180 wu's daily done) the leading edge of the undone wu's to the finish ones is about 11M without taking into consideration the repetitive wu's that probably are in there mixed.
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Last 16e Lattice Sieve application wu received is at ~q=837M.
Last 16e Lattice Sieve V5 application wu received is at ~q=991M (second chunk restarted at 950M going to 1,000M: meaning going backwards from 1,000M until meet 16e in the middle).
Last 16e Lattice Sieve V5 application already sent all wu's from 1,000M to 1,400M (first chunk).

Overall Q range sieve of 2,1037- started at 20M to 1,400M.

Q range situation is this:
20M-837M (sent through 16e application, remaining wu's close to be done)
837M-950M (unsent)
950M-991M (sent, remaining wu's close to be done)
991M-1000M (unsent, will be sent through 16e V5 application)
1000M-1400M (sent through 16e V5 application, remaining wu's close to be done)
Last 16e Lattice Sieve application wu received is at ~q=849M.
Last 16e Lattice Sieve V5 application wu received is at ~q=932M (third chunk restarted at 30M going to 950M: meaning going backwards from 1,000M until meet 16e in the middle).
Last 16e Lattice Sieve V5 application already sent all wu's from 950M to 1,400M.

Overall Q range sieve of 2,1037- started at 20M to 1,400M.

Q range situation is this:
20M-849M (sent through 16e application, remaining wu's close to be done)
849M-930M (unsent)
930M-932M (sent, remaining wu's close to be done)
932M-950M (unsent)
950M-1400M (sent through 16e V5 application, remaining wu's close to be done)

Lot's of aborted wu's being done on the range below 800M.

If you are only running lasieve5f application please consider also checking lasievef application. Linux users will run both, windows users only lasievef.
NFS@Home is hitting a moment where the two q regions sieved separately by 16e and 16 V5 are going to collide so it is better for linux users to check both applications. I already did and also because let's a lot of aborted wu's below 800M to be done. So I am going to run a mix of the two.
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Last 16e Lattice Sieve application wu received is at ~q=921M.
16e Lattice Sieve V5 application already sent all wu's from 930M to 1,400M.

Overall Q range sieve of 2,1037- started at 20M to 1,400M.

Q range situation is this:
20M-921M (sent through 16e application, remaining wu's close to be done)
921M-930M (unsent through 16e application)
930M-1400M (sent through 16e V5 application, remaining wu's close to be done)

16e V5 application started another number (2,1049+) from q=1000M because all wu's for 2,1037- have been distributed. Only missing the left overs wu's. Also I only gave order to my CPU to do the 16e Lattice Sieve wu's instead of both 16 and 16e V5 applications respectively.

In conclusion, 2,1037- will be completely sieved by the end of the year.

Carlos Pinho
Soon I'll post the status of 2,1037-. Post-processing phase started.

About 2,1049+ NFS@Home sieve:

Last 16e Lattice Sieve application wu received is at ~q=129M (goal to 1000M)
Last 16e Lattice Sieve V5 application wu received is at ~q=1095M (goal to unknown, then backwards from 1000M until meet 16e in the middle)

From now on I'll update weekly.

NFS@Home needs help on 2,1049+ sieving.

For 2,1049+:

Last 16e Lattice Sieve application wu received is at ~q=766M (goal to 1000M)
Last 16e Lattice Sieve V5 application wu received is at ~q=1391M (goal to 1650M)

Better move all cores to 16e Lattice Sieve V5.

Carlos Pinho
NFS@Home April Showers Challenges

April Showers I

April Showers II

2,1049+ status:

Last 16e Lattice Sieve application wu received is at ~q=906M (goal to 1000M)
Last 16e Lattice Sieve V5 application wu received is at ~q=1495M (goal to 1650M)

We really need help on the 16e Lattice Sieve V5 application. Go to

and set

Run only the selected applications
lasieved - app for RSALS subproject, uses less than 0.5 GB memory: no
lasievee - work nearly always available, uses up to 0.5 GB memory: no
lasievef - used for huge factorizations, uses up to 1 GB memory: no
lasieve5f - used for huge factorizations, uses up to 1 GB memory: yes

if you are a linux user with more than 1.3GB per thread.

Carlos Pinho
We need your help on the challenge.
BTW, a new Win64 build was achieved faster as the linux one so it is a matter of time and test until NFS@Home publishes it to the clients.
I issued an asteroids challenge over a month ago which starts this Fri, I was careful to time it so it didn't overlap any other challenges going on, unfortunately that's exactly what your NFS challenge is now doing. Both your challenges clash with the one we will have going on.
I am hereby requesting Overclockers UK help on running lasieve5f application for NFS@Home. Sievers are now available for Windows 64-bit.
We are sieving two hard numbers, first one (6,490+) we have left 280k wus, for second number (2,1285-) we have scheduled more than 1M wus.

Thank you in advance,

Carlos Pinho
NFS@Home Moderator
Right now it is using 850MB per thread under Windows.
The application we would like your help is:

Run only the selected applications lasieved - app for RSALS subproject, uses less than 0.5 GB memory: no
lasievee - work nearly always available, uses up to 0.5 GB memory: no
lasievef - used for huge factorizations, uses up to 1 GB memory: no
lasieve5f - used for huge factorizations, uses up to 1 GB memory: yes
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