NFS@home challenge

I am hereby requesting Overclockers UK help on running lasieve5f application for NFS@Home. Sievers are now available for Windows 64-bit.
We are sieving two hard numbers, first one (6,490+) we have left 280k wus, for second number (2,1285-) we have scheduled more than 1M wus.

Thank you in advance,

Carlos Pinho
NFS@Home Moderator

I've put a few cores onto this but can't do too many due to the memory requirements. Can I ask why you are asking for help, I couldn't see anything on your forum about it ?
I've put a few cores onto this but can't do too many due to the memory requirements. Can I ask why you are asking for help, I couldn't see anything on your forum about it ?

Asking for help to finish these two numbers as quick as possible so we can start working on harder numbers to justify next year grant of the cluster used for the post-processing stage.
When I can I do like to go to each individual forum and request help. It is a way to approach people to NFS@Home project.

Asking for help to finish these two numbers as quick as possible so we can start working on harder numbers to justify next year grant of the cluster used for the post-processing stage.
When I can I do like to go to each individual forum and request help. It is a way to approach people to NFS@Home project.


Okay, thanks for the info.

Does it run better under Window or Linux ?
Just got 16e now on main pc , had to turn down cpu usage to 60% to stop the waiting for memory messages

Have the same issue on my work laptop, running 3 threads out of 8. Only 8GB of memory.

In the meantime:

2,1285- sieve has started. We will go up to q=2200M or 2400M, meaning we will have 1.09M wus to 1.19M wus to process. Can we sieve this integer in time record?!

For 6,490+ we stopped at q=1800M. Still awaiting to complete the left overs, ETA= 1 week.

Best Regards,


Not sure if you notice but at this stage G2m1285_ wus only consume 430Mb therefore you can turn up cpu usage to 100%.


tried 100% and got "waiting for memory" so backed it down to 80% , so got 12 threads running ok

Also got some G6p490_ wus what do they need?
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Andy have you changed the default boinc client memory usage? I think the default is set at only 50% when in use. It's under tools/computer preferences/disk and memory usage.
Ok I'm gonna try run some on my laptop here in India just for fun. Managed to get 6/8 running then read about default memory and managed to get all 8 going buy upping mem to 80%
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At current pace 2,1285- will be completely sieved within 100 days.

Thanks, that was one of the questions I had been meaning to ask :)

The other question I have is when is your deadline for getting them done by so you can start on 'harder' numbers ?
Woo , just taken 1st place in Top Hosts !! Greg (former number 1) is running 4 Tesla gpu 64gig ram pc! lol

Seems Greg is the Project administrator lol

We are now 40th place overall
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Sorry for the late reply. Some comments from Greg the Admin.

1) Server issues: "I think I tracked down the database slowdown. Turns out that the size of the database, specifically the host table, has grown substantially thanks to Syracuse’s 1.8 million host entries. It became larger than the cache assigned to it, so records were being read from disk rather than memory. That’s bad. I increased the max cache size to much larger than the table, so things should be back to normal now."

2) Records: "As far as setting a new record, the current lasieve16e binaries aren’t up to the task. They came close to running out of steam on our current records."
Also " I need to take a look at the full data set I have now and set priorities for the next grant proposal"

So we are trying to check from the Cunningham Tables and on other projects where we can be of assistant inside the limits of the sievers, closer to record pinch.

Thank you all for your support.
I'll let you know what will be the next integer to sieve.

Keep crunching, we are still far away to finish 2,1285-, more or less 850k wus.

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