Don't have a problem with things like this at all. I don't get why people are so paranoid these days.
Precisely, but from some of the replies above it seems some people put the improbable risk of a few targeted ads spoiling their face book page above medical research that can help all mankind.
I think a lot of it is ignorance. Everyone has an opinion but most don't have the facts.
Don't have a problem with things like this at all. I don't get why people are so paranoid these days.
At least one of the facts is that there have been a whole load of high profile data leaks from organisations that should have known better. Credit card numbers or medical information, it's still got a value to someone and it's still just entries on a database. The potential for that sort of leak is where my problem lies.
or massively increased mortgage, finance, life insurance or health insurance costs?
NHS sharing information is still one of the reasons many gay or bi people have to tell the GUM clinic not to share any information with their GP as when that information is passed on to banks or financial institutions it puts your costs up significantly as even if you're a nice monogamous married gay couple you're dreamed high risk.
If an insurance company can see a trend in certain demographics/areas, you can guarantee they'll start to charge extra to provide cover for those conditions!
Your NHS number is an identifier that is included within this data and therefore will never be totally anonymous.
Today I made a spreadsheet of 33 patients with all types of data just from NHS Numbers BUT I DO HAVE PERMISSIONS TO DO IT.
You can only get the information if you have the relevant software and the permissions on the right server.
It's laughable to think an insurance company could do this.
I agree. Can't see an insurance company doing it either. They would just buy the information from someone that did do it.
However who would do it?
However who would do it?
The information isn't in one place with an easy printout and just getting some main details of one patient takes a while.
The boss may ask me for details on a patient such as Name, Address, DOB, DOD, Co-Morbidities, Inpatient, Outpatient and A&E Attendances and just getting that information and presenting it to him could take between 5 to 10 minutes because it is either cut & pasting or screen grabs.
Software used would be Dashboard/CIS or IPM or even Dr Watson.
To then get online Medical Records can take an age using software such as iCris, Medisec, IPM, ICM and EDMS. Last week I left my PC on from 5pm to 8:30am and it had just compiled some of the records for one patient because there was that many.
I don't want to sound like a troll but you surely jest? Where have you been the last few years?![]()
That's an archaic view. The advances in technology, specifically in analytical processing and data storage means that such data warehousing makes it far more accessible and easily manipulated.
Just because your ****** nhs computer sytems are rubbish, doesn't mean an enterprise level structure couldn't make very good use of it with some nifty algorithms, hardware and incentive.
And with the richness of such data, there is a very clear incentive.