NHS opt out of your personal data being sold to commercial institution

That's pretty fallacious thinking there especially the later part. Surely, the logical point of view would be to weigh the benefits to you (where possible) of all these things and to adjust things accordingly and then opt in and out where necessary or due to personal preference.
I have access to around 20 different medical programs that all show completely different information and they don't hand it over very easily. I honestly wouldn't be worried about the harvesting of patient data on a huge scale.

I'd love some enterprise level structure come in and put all these programs together in one easy package because it would make my life a lot easier.

Probably the richer source of data is the GP not hospital systems and of these there are not that many to choose from . They are also increasingly capable of talking to each other, but there are already in place systems to automatically extract the data from them as they have all had to be compliant with GPSoC. The coding in a very extractable way has been increasing since the 2004 contract as it makes up a significant proportion of a practices income to be able to prove what they have been doing. Primary care IT has been way ahead of secondary care for years and we are increasingly encouraged to code more and more information that may become surrogate markers to identify someone from.

On a personal level I have an un interesting history and care.data does not bother me, but I think there are risks to it and I think the advertising of it was appalling.
Worries that insurance premium maybe affected by an as yet non-leak of some as-yet non existent data.

Happily uploads photos of themselves getting drunk, smoking, eating fast food and carrying out their neknomination to Facebook.
Worries that insurance premium maybe affected by an as yet non-leak of some as-yet non existent data.

Happily uploads photos of themselves getting drunk, smoking, eating fast food and carrying out their neknomination to Facebook.

That's one hell of an assumption going on there.
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