So I've been doing a lot of research reading around jitter (this may be interesting for others interested in DAC/CDP jitter):
Looking at the above this appears to have _alot_ of noise:
* black line, the 1khz base is wide - this shows there's a lot of close in phase noise (ie think of this as jitter)
* the orange line (noise floor without signal) is high but the noise floor of the black line is even higher. This is because for every noise/harmonic/signal the phase noise base adds together thus the total noise floor in black rises.
* it appears the black noise up at 10KHz+ is due to periodic and interference noise on the clock signal and 1KHz signal.
* the orange line should be flat, however it's rising in the low frequencies - this is probably due to LF noise coupled with the master clock having phase noise (increasing the noise floor) but also 1/f noise from the noise power supply (you can see the 50Hz spike from the power supply). I suspect that the noise in the master clock is causing this low frequency increase. This mains ripple has harmonics such as 100Hz and this cares on into 200Hz, 300Hz etc for the harmonics..
* the high 40kHz-100kHz orange upturn is something called noise shaping - it's a technique used commonly in ADCs and DACs to shift the noise from the frequencies you're interested in (ie 1-20kHz) out of the audible range.
The clock I have planned is as Crystek CCHD oscillator with a Texas Instruments 1-3 fanout (ie 3 clock outputs). I have two LT3042s providing very low noise power regulation at 3.3V (input will be 5V):
As a partial 3d model you can see what it will roughly look like:
Y1 is the crystal oscillator, IC3 is the fanout chip, U1 & U2 are LT3042 regulators.
I need to review this again with another PCB draft. The idea is good but I need to really make sure that the ground of the IC3 returns back to the lower LT3042 to prevent large ground loops. These components are *really* small being 1mm or below surface mount which should make soldering them to the board a challenge! (there's 0402 sized cap in there!). I need to add a pair of ferrite beads into this to reduce the noise further.
The thinking behind this is that the LT3042 needs a load to draw a decent amount of milliamps, so I may actually change the layout to power the entire thing with one LT3042 working harder (it can cope with 200mA max and the crystal is 24mA, the fan out IC3 chip is ~50mA max each so it's going to be close. This is why I may make it so that the power supply for IC3 can be shorted to use one LT3042 but have the option of populating the second LT3042 power supply.
Why all this power supply discussion?
The LT3042 and other "low drop out" (LDO) regulators have good noise rejection - in the order of 100dB which should help reduce the noise for the master clock crystal oscillator, which in turn will reduce the noise of the 1KHz signal for the analogue to digital conversion (in the same way a better clock makes a DAC better).
The fun with the LT3042 is that it's extremely sensitive, the SET pin needs the output voltage around it to prevent the SET pin from leaking current causing noise. The technique is called a guard ring. It essentially reduces the voltage difference and thus reduces loss through the PCB itself.
I have used the LT3080 (has the same sensitivity of the SET pin) earlier for the amp high voltage power supply. However the 3042 is even more sensitive and the resistors I am using for this are 0.1% tolerance. The surface mount capacitors are X7R which should provide decent temperature stability but they do suffer from piezo electric noise so if I make a mark 2 board I may need to use reduced noise.
I have the parts for making the PCB using photo resist and etching.. so this will be involved (next time around I may simply order the boards professionally manufactured from China).
TL;DR - new clock should reduce noise across the board but using titchy surface mount and making the PCB myself.