NieR: Automata announced for PC, game shipping Early 2017 on both platforms

Unplayable for me so far, RX480 Nitro OC to a 1080p Sony TV. Can't get a proper 1080p image on full screen.

Black bars down the side? or just a soft image?

Both can be fixed by running it at 1080p in windowed mode and then using borderless gaming to make it fullscreen borderless window. MGR:R had a similar issue over hdmi.
For RX480 users , roll back your drivers to 16.11.5 and it should work without crashing. Does for me , now to sort out the 900p issue on full screen and not windowed
Black bars down the side? or just a soft image?

Both can be fixed by running it at 1080p in windowed mode and then using borderless gaming to make it fullscreen borderless window. MGR:R had a similar issue over hdmi.

Might try that, though won't the frame rate suffer a lot?

EDIT: Completely missed the post about rolling back drivers, can't be bothered with that just for Nier. Lesson learned regarding Japanese dev's console ports and the lack of refunds for GMG Steam keys. Argh. :mad:
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Well after about 3-4 hours in im really enjoying this. upgrades system is very overwhelming in my eyes it has no tutorial befitting to it I am level 10 now and have changed nothing.

Still having a blast though. Bed time soon though!
Enjoy the mash up of styles so far using Xbox controller scheme B.

One thing I can't figure out: How do you quit to main menu or desktop from the pause screen?
Go to System on the pause screen.

Most JRPG's seem to do save/load/quit from the "system" menu :)

I've got it but so far only managed to do the intro (I didn't even get to the point where I could save as I got called away:/ ).
Played about 4 hours today and other than the slight issue with fullscreen and 1920x1080 (which was solved for me by using borderless gaming) I'm enjoying it. It's rare for a platinum game to come to PC so I don't mind trouble shooting minor issues for games like these, it's when it's done by lazy AAA devs that I can excuse.
First 5 hours was very good fun.. some of the best gameplay I've played in recent years..

Boss fights are good fun too. And i like the characters..

Looks very nice all max at 3440x1440 with gsync constant 60fps..
Got to level 21 , and yeah some of the bosses are like wow ! Cant wait for them to fix the graphics issues though.

Using a Xbox 360 controller hooked up using the wireless dongle and seems the best method to play it on.
Ridiculous decision to not let you save before the first boss! Wasted 2 hours of time and got defeated by boss, so have to start again!!!! Might refund as cant stand the thought of starting again.
You took 2 hours getting to the 1st boss fight ? .....

94 mins play time. I loaded the game last night and made it almost upto the boss then had to turn it off. I could not see any save, so just quit thinking I might have to redo a little bit.

Turned it on this afternoon, and had to start again, was not impressed but got on with it. I then got killed at the boss, which took about 50 mins to reach. To my horror I had to start the game again.

It is a very very odd design choice.
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