Night Owls

27 Oct 2011
I'm off work for two weeks and quite simply don't have much planned outside of your own common social engagements. So the idea of being a night owl for the period just clicked. You know, wasting away on the Internet at 4am, doing absolutely nothing.

I notice people on here making posts at silly o clock (at least by my standards), how on Earth do you go about doing it on a regular basis? Or is it just your common mix of students/people working on night shifts?

Let the aimless late night chat begin...
There's always something to do or watch or a forum that needs an opinion somewhere... Always!
I'm on nights for 4 weeks, lurk quite a bit on here between doing work.

First couple days off after nights normally ends in a late night somewhere or napping, lots and lots of napping.

I'm off work for two weeks and quite simply don't have much planned outside of your own common social engagements. So the idea of being a night owl for the period just clicked. You know, wasting away on the Internet at 4am, doing absolutely nothing.

I notice people on here making posts at silly o clock (at least by my standards), how on Earth do you go about doing it on a regular basis? Or is it just your common mix of students/people working on night shifts?

Let the aimless late night chat begin...

SE11 that's kennington right? theirs a Ninja assault course in kennington park this weekend that should keep you busy :)
I've got a bit of time off at the moment...

last job was very flexible, project based... could turn up at say 10:30 in the morning and work late or work from home - didn't matter too much given some colleagues were on different continents... as long as the work got done
Up for work in about 5 hours, better get to bed as I'm on a 12 hour day:(

Another weekend that went too fast.
I've never had a proper sleeping pattern - generally if its not disrupted I drift off around 3am - wake up a little before 11am - if its disrupted i.e. forced to do a 8-4 shift or whatever its all over the place - I might be lights out at 8pm or still posting on OcUK at 5:30am. Fortunately so far I've managed to find work that I can fit around it - if I was forced to do a 9-5 job I'd probably be in a mental health institute by now :S

EDIT: I partly blame doing night shifts for it - though it started long before that but since I did awhile on nights even though that was many years back now its been even worse.
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Unemployed at the moment so my natural clock tends to just default to going to sleep around 4am..ish.

Starting to get a bit boring though I must admit :(
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