Night Owls

I'm off work for two weeks and quite simply don't have much planned outside of your own common social engagements. So the idea of being a night owl for the period just clicked. You know, wasting away on the Internet at 4am, doing absolutely nothing.

I notice people on here making posts at silly o clock (at least by my standards), how on Earth do you go about doing it on a regular basis? Or is it just your common mix of students/people working on night shifts?

Let the aimless late night chat begin...

Do you realllllllyyyyyyy have to ask this question ? :rolleyes:
it's a skill! lol but no seriously, weekends only for me really (post 1am anyway!). tho usually up at 12-1 and up at 6:50 for work, been that way for so long that it's just became routine really
I find I get caught up on Youtube or a forum such as this one late at night even not posting just reading threw the threads on here is something I can loose hours too!
Sunday to Thursday night I tend to get in bed around 2300 but end up watching random stuff on YouTube / reading forums until about 0200 and then go to sleep for work at 0800.. I regret it each morning but I'm a moron so I keep on doing it. At the weekends I'm more brainless by staying up until around 3AM and then not getting out of bed the following day until midday.
I generally get about 4-5 hrs sleep a night, just can't make myself go to bed. Get FOMO on the internet which is probably the most ridiculous thing ever.
I am constantly fighting shift work and have a terrible habit of prioritising enjoying my time off work rather than getting rest - I hope I grow out of it.
how on Earth do you go about doing it on a regular basis? Or is it just your common mix of students/people working on night shifts?

Mostly people who:
1) Do not need to get up early in the morning (so yes students and people with irregular work patterns but also unemployed and people who have short commutes to work so can get up after 8am for example)
2) Catchup on sleep during the day e.g. siesta or whatever
3) Can function on a small amount of sleep on a regular basis
4) Have some sort of sleep disorder / insomnia
5) Are older and thus naturally sleep less

In terms of the practicalities of what you are physically doing I found it easy to stay up late playing video games. And I still could on an adhoc basis if I wanted but I don't really like how awful I feel in the morning (typically get up around 05:30 depending on when my son wakes). Tiredness mostly hits me due to waking after unsufficient sleep, rather than the night before (I wish we had a 27hr day because then I could stay up for 18hrs and still get 9hrs sleep).

For me the big shift away from being a night owl came when we had a child, as that basically meant that I had to get up earlier and also could not simply go to bed late and sleep for a solid block. I used to go to bed typically around 00:00-01:00 whereas now it is around 22:00-23:30 most of the time.
I was still awake at 5:00am, but then so was a relative so maybe it is a family thing - we just exchanged emails for a bit.

I do it to annoy the cat :)
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