Night Owls's the best way of sorting it and an apology.

if you struggle to talk to her, write her a letter, it's a lot easier to get your thoughts across :)

I've tried, my trouble is I push women away, I don't mean to but I have trouble letting them in, due to past experiences. She has been very distant tonight (she has gone out) and told me earlier she'll speak to me tomorrow.

I don't do myself any favours but pushing away, I just can't help it though :(
She has been very distant tonight (she has gone out) and told me earlier she'll speak to me tomorrow.

I don't do myself any favours but pushing away, I just can't help it though :(

Don't be so clingy. Be your own man, she'll be back when she sees you're striding out by yourself. Have a few beers, play some CS. Be late to pick her up tomorrow.
Don't be so clingy. Be your own man, she'll be back when she sees you're striding out by yourself. Have a few beers, play some CS. Be late to pick her up tomorrow.

Thing is I'm not that clingy in general, she was very needy most of the time but I kept pushing her away by doing certain things.. but today she has just been off, we split up yesterday and sorted things out this morning. Then I went on a bit after then she went all funny on me. I'm not a relationship person at all!

Tables have turned now and I'm a bit clingy, only because of feelings etc.. she must have feelings still as she said she still loves me last night.

Oh well see what tomorrow brings, This is why I never wanted it to go further but she wouldn't give in at first, I always mess things up.
write it down.

It's hard to express yourself when emotions are involved, it's easy to get riled and what was meant to be an explanation turns into a fight. after 19 years, there aren't many mistakes i've made with my wife.

Write down that you push people away and you don't know why, tell her how you feel about her and it will get it out there. Guarantee it :)
Thanks for the comments, she knows how I feel as I've explained things to her about why I push away, I've ended it a few times because of it, and think she's annoyed that it's happened a few too many times.

Trouble is with me that my fiance of 8 years and a child together went behind my back with a friend and they ended up staying together and had a child together, so this is why I have trouble with trust in general, I don't mean to push away but I am just scared of letting people in, that was the worst feeling I've ever experienced in my life and I went down a dark road ended up in hospital etc.

Thing is I have let her in yet I continue to push and be not very nice to her, god I don't know what is wrong with me... but when we're good it's awesome, really good together, I'm the problem and most girls would have gone by now..she hasn't replied too me all night and I get bad thoughts because she went out tonight for her mates birthday.

I need to sleep and hopefully can sort things out tomorrow, but I think it maybe too late.
I know it's really hard, I had trust issues due to my mum having an affair on my dad and it makes me very self-destructive but the best thing I can suggest is to keep repeating to yourself that she isn't your ex.

Throw yourself into it, make sure she knows how you really feel, it'll work out for the best :)
Whatsssss upppp buds.

Boring night shift. At least got good internet signal tonight,
And got here an hour early through my own stupid fault.

Still v8 supercar qauli and race on later tonight,
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Going to blitz through the remainder of the one and only season of Constantine, and then we'll see how the night pans out.

And got here an hour early through my own fault.

I feel you pain, Glaucus!:(

Had this one contract where the site was a pain to get to in heavy traffic; so I always ended up walking there instead, and, being terrified of arriving late, I'd turn up with oodles of time to while away at reception... and all there was for entertainment (before smartphones this) was an erratically buzzing vending machine, two half-dead goldfish and past issues of some obscure gardening publication; such fun!:o
Well that was a nightmare and a half.
Got taken over by an evil spirit and trying to fight it in my mind whilst wondering around the house. And any light I switched on didn't work, then when I left that room, the lights would work. Whilst telling me to go kill people.

Pleasant that was not.
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