Ninja gaiden sigma 2 Demo Japan PSN store updated

I got mine today, this game amazing. on chapter 4, there only thing i can complain would be is u cant upgrade multiple weapons
Yeah i know what you mean.. And the Crystal Skulls dont really do much that give you a little discount. I think i have just started Chapter 5 or 6 the one after the Momjji level. Still loving it but its starting to get tough.
Just played the Rachel level myself, she is so overpowered it's unreal, her warhammer is devastating and she's still quite fast (quicker than Ryu with his big sword). I shall be trying her out in team challenges i reckon.
Just played the Rachel level myself, she is so overpowered it's unreal, her warhammer is devastating and she's still quite fast (quicker than Ryu with his big sword). I shall be trying her out in team challenges i reckon.

Her other assets are much better.

Hmmm... *shakey shakey wiggle wiggle* :D
I got this game last week, it's pretty damn good!
It was pretty insane fighting the Statue of Liberty, that took me a few tries.

I've just got to where you start playing with the second character, but it's still pretty hard. I don't understand how you can not get hit, maybe I'm just crap at Reverse Wind.
Anyone got any tips? Mainly I just mash triangle and square.
Anyone still well into this? I'm currently nearing the end of my warrior runthrough and feeling quietly confident about the highest difficulty. I'm yet to buy an item from the store, just surviving off of the items scattered around the levels (and often have to leave some behind as my inventory is full) so i'd say that means i'm pretty much whooping ninja warrior.

Oh and, for anyone struggling, don't overlook the tonfa, i did on my first runthrough on the easiest difficulty as they looked pants. Turns out they're pretty much the best weapon in the game; I managed an over 200-hit combo with them, it was carnage. Their limb removal rate is just insane.
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