Nintendo DS

My ds still hasnt arrived so i've cancelled, its taking a lifetime! :mad:

So, where can I get it from at the cheapest price, help! :) Otherwise I'll just have to go into town on monday and get one.
£70 odd quid is a damn good price, not seen i cheaper.

Best way to save is to buy it with a bundle, like Mario and Hotel Dusk or the new Zelda seems promising!
Get the Brain Trainer. Very cool little game. I'm thinking of selling mine now though I never use it - and the browser isn't compatible with my Bebox :/
nintenjo said:
Elite Beat Agents is a must as well as Advance Wars DS.

I got Elite Beat Agents at the weekend. It is fun, but boy is it one of the campest games i have ever played.
nintenjo's suggestions are two games I would really like for the DS. I'm currently really enjoying Yoshi's Island DS. I wasn't hooked by it particularly when I got it for Chrimbo, but revisiting it yesterday I thought it was absolutely brilliant. Lots and lots of good touches and puzzles in addition to great platforming action, excellent level design and some lovely graphics/art style.

Can you tell I'm rather enamoured by it? :D
I ended up with 2x DS's in the end! Ones up for sale and I'm keeping the other one. I've been playin mario kart, tetris and bomberman. Really good classic games :)

I've got the new mario bros aswel and yoshi's island, and afew others. I need a game like t-rype!
What ever you do, don't buy micro machines - it's probably onbe of the worst games I've played.

One game which is surprisingly good though is Bubble Bobble
mame said:
or if you were naughty you might get a flash kit for it

Nothing naughty about it, unless you're a jackass intent on pirating games that are really genuinely worth the money.

But you'd never do something that dumb, right?
e36Adz said:

Is there a streetfighter game for the DS???

no unless you played the GBA version on the DS or had a flash kit and played the SNES version on the DS
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