Nintendo Press Conference - About 19.15 This Evening

31 May 2005
I believe Gamespot are showing the press conference in full.

I cannot wait for this as although I am not a Nintendo fan boy, I am VERY much looking forward to it and really hope they show Sony what a press conference about a next gen console should be about.

Zelda, Mario tennis with a REAL motion sensing gamepad/thing. Bring it on.

9 hours to go - woo hoo


Conference maybe starting at 17.30 - Check your preferred gaming news site for more info.

Conference can be watched via:
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revo europe said:
Here's a little reminder for the times you should be counting down 'til. The times below are UK/Eire time first and CET second.

Monday May 8th:
Sony - Over, and yes the controller has (6 degree) motion sensitivity...

Tuesday May 9th:
Nintendo - 5:30pm / 6:30pm
Microsoft - 7:30pm / 8:30pm
Minority said:
Rumour has it the Wii will be $250.

Linky Spinky

It'll probably end up atound £150-£199. I hope they bundle in a game, that tennis game would be cool if it was built into the system and online playable. I'm dreading the cost of the controllers though. They aren't gonna be cheap.
I take it nothings been announced yet regarding pricing or launch date, and this conference should be where all that happens?

If its around £150 then I will definitely get one :)
The Microsoft one is not until 12pm Pacific time so that is 8pm here.

EDIT: Apologies - it's mentioned in the quote box a bit further up.
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Nismo said:
I take it nothings been announced yet regarding pricing or launch date, and this conference should be where all that happens?

If its around £150 then I will definitely get one :)

Speculated @ $250
*crosses fingers for a decent price*
Somehow never owned a console from launch and I really want this to be my first :p
McDaniel said:
i must say ive enver owned a Nintendo console, but im quite tempted by this.

Same here, very tempted to get this over the ps3 now. Plus it looks tres cool from what i have seen on the net regarding pics.
Sorry I couldn't resist this....

"Tonight on Gamespot.... HUGE Wii coverage!!! Some much Wii you'll think you're drowning in it."

SHould be good to get some solid info, hope I get back from work in time!!
I'll be very tempted to pick one of these up, owned a N64 for quite a while and also the Gamecube before I sold it to get an Xbox.

If it played the Gamecube games Id definitely go for one as there are a few games that were released after I sold the Gamecube that I really wanted.

Doubt Ill buy one at launch, as the 360 will do me for the time being but probably as soon as they start doing decent priced bundles.
Wonder what the actual graphics will be like. I know it doesn't have HDTV resolutions but will this mean a more photorealistic SDTV display?
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