Right this is how i see it;
You can think of these 3 "next/new generation" consoles as women.
Your on a night out, first off you've got the brunette doing the mickey mouse degree who trys to pull you thats your xbox 360 for the punters who just can't wait and dont have any patience. They like their eye candy but like a bit of functionality at the same time.
Next you've got the blonde who works in sainsburys who aint going any where but you couldn't possibly say no to that bottom
Thats your PS3 for the guys that don't care what it does aslong as it looks the best.
Last but not least you've got the giner bird you get talking to at the bar. Shes a doctor and not a bad looking girl but nothing on the other 2. This ones for the peeps that want that something extra. They dont mind what it looks like as long as it provides what they need and any extras are a bonus. THis is your Wii. It may not be the best looking at the lot but it gives you what its all about in the case of games it gives you fun, and playability it gives you an escape from the real world.
We may not all like whats best for us, like vegetables nobody likes them but they are good for us, but tbh nintendo will always be the top dog because they are the innovators, the engineers of the console world, Microsoft and Sony are just technicians trying to fix whatever has already been done. That is why if you love gaming its gotta be the Wii.
Anyway jsut a little ramble don't mean to offend any women or vegetarians, might also be a bit drunk
Wii Wiiii Wiiiiii Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !