Nitefly's 'Hearts on Fire' Log

Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005

Now that we are all nice and pumped, I can begin. I decided that I was sick of not being ripped and that I should do something about it. I was steered in the direction of CBL by resident douchebag icecold and have been on the programme since 6th January 2013. Just over a month in and I think I can see some results, so here's hoping they continue!

6' 1"
77.4kg at last weigh in (late January)

Doing SL 5x5 + a few bonus bits. To justify the backloads I'm doing bonus reps on the last 2 sets just to make sure I'm truly dead, to a maximum of 12 reps. As the weights are going up, the reps are obviously going down, so soon I will plateau to a standard 5x5. On some exercises I have done so already. I'm quite happy with the split, although day 2 is a bit hamstring heavy. 90s rests if a set is completed, 3.5mins if I fail.

Day 1:
Bench Press
Barbell Rows
Overhead Squats (5x10)
Leg Raises

Day 2:
Overhead Press
Deadlift (I'm going 5x5 on this as well for the time being)
Pull ups / Chin ups --> negatives -> pull downs (alternating every 2 sessions)
SL Deadlift (4x10)
Leg Raises

3/4 weights sessions a week, with 20 minutes HIIT + mobility rolling on 'off days'. Once a weekish I'll have a day where I do nothing as part of 2 'off days' in a row.


CBL is the weapon of choice. Aiming for 250-300g per backload in line with my fatloss goals. Getting in 160g of protein on 'off days' and aiming for +200g on training days. ~300kcals and 0 carbs consumed before 5pm.

Recent Efforts:

Squats were avoided for a fortnight due to injury. Went down from 75kg to 60kg and concentrating on form.

Squats 60kg - 5,5,5,12,12
Bench 52.5kg - 5,5,5,6,5
Rows - 42.5kg - 5,5,5,6,6
Dips (36kg assisted) - 5,5,5,5,5
OH Squats - 10x5 using a pole (~5kg)

Squats 62.5kg - 5,5,5,8,12 (was hesitant on going ultra turbo with dead lifts imminent)
OH Press 37.5kg - 5,5,3,4,4
DL 80kg - 5,5,5,12,12
Pull Ups - 3 + negatives, 1 + negatives, pulldowns (45kg widegrip) 7, 7
SL Deadlift 40kg - 10x5

Stay tuned for exciting progress!
Looks like a well balanced routine. They'll be long work outs though!

Instead of doing leg raises twice, how about some windscreen wipers, or planks, or l-sits, or dragon flags etc... Or leg raises with a 1/2/3/etc.. hold. Mix it up a little.

Increment those weights - don't rely on being able to achieve every single rep.

Good luck!
As I'm not failing many sets it's relatively swift, probably sub-90 minutes a session. Each exercise takes about ~15 minutes including the warm up sets, the assistance exercises take less because I don't go into a rage at the stupid clip that refuses to go down the barbell *throws it on the floor in a huff*

Leg raises have been the order of the day because I actually couldn't do them at all when I started. I've steadily been getting better. I have an infamously pants core, but it's getting better. I find the rolling gives my core a run for its money too.

And thanks :)
Why is everyone so tall?!

Great to see this :)

How do assisted dips work out of interest?

If you're doing SL, I know the older routine recommends plank + reverse crunch with alternating between each. I must try leg raises though, because I'm pretty sure mine are also dire. Guessing you're doing them hanging? (Makes a good grip training exercise as well! XD)

Your bench is 5 above mine, rows are about 10 I think, but I'm doing them paused for form focus, ohp is about 5 again, and dl about 10 (I'm due to do 70 this week, but took some time out to focus on form at 60)

Good luck though, will be great to see how you do, and will be keeping an eye on this!

Also, for the clips, is it only me that doesn't really bother with them? On bench, it saves me ever risking getting pinned. The only thing it's really needed on I guess is ohp...

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The assisted dips are with a machine. Between the parallel bars is a platform that can be set to counter balance your weight, so I'm doing dips at BW less 36kg. In reality it doesn't quite work like that, because the 36kg really doesn't give that much assistance at all and I think the next step after 31kg is nothing.

In short, I'm a fortnight off BW. However I've always found dips give me shoulder problems (I gave myself a long term injury from doing BW dips a few years ago) so I'm wary of going too heavy too soon.
Ah, fair enough, I'm beating you at dips then, although I'm trying to fix my form so I don't flare too much. I managed to twinge my shoulder about September '11 doing bw dips and being a bit of a ****. That was I think the width of the bars though, but do understand your caution as such!

Haha you cling onto those dips! :p

As you can tell from the reps on my last 2 sets, squats and DL are a relative doddle at the moment. DL is probably going to get hard at 100kg, I can see squats getting harder after 75kg (it was stupid, I got an injury when I had no problem with the weight...?!)

I'd be surprised if I did 57.5kg on bench first go, and I'll be disappointed if I don't do 37.5kg on OHP on friday.

Here's hoping.

Huuurngh! ><
Tall, but looks pretty lean, as such. :)

It's all about balance, anyway, KD: for all you short guys, there have to be some taller people. ;)

Nice to see a lg, Nitefly, and particularly one with overhead squats in it!
Squats 65kg - 5,5,5,12,12
Bench 55kg - 5,5,5,5,5
Rows 45kg - 5,5,5,5,5
OH Squats - 10x5
Dips "32kg" assist - 5,5,5,5,5 (turns out 32kg is actually less than 8kg, as the result of some experimentation with balancing weights on the platform).

Bench was really hard today, good job I have a 5 day rest before I do it again. The whole cycle tends to go:

Day1, off, day2, off, day1, off, off, day2, off, day1, off, day2, off, off

This means that on the 3rd off day my pecs are dying and on 7th off day my hamstrings are dying. Lots of rolling on the pecs over the next few days! I will probably skip dips the next time around and maybe doing incline bench instead, for fear of injury. My chest isn't painful, but I'm aware of a niggling.

On an amusing note, me and my flatmate had some caffeine powder before our session. I was complaining that the dosage suggested on myprotein was way too high as I was lying about groggy on the sofa... which somehow tempted him to take some as well.

Yeah, didn't realise there was a difference between a small and a micro scoop on myprotein... oops :o :o :o

*climbs up the walls*
Went down from 75kg to 60kg and concentrating on form.

I did this, I went from trying to lift as much as possible to work on my form and recently the intensity.

Last night I did 8x8s with 30 sec rests between the sets, by the end you'll be struggling to lift even the piddly weights :D

Why is everyone so tall?!

I'm only 5ft 7 :p

I did this, I went from trying to lift as much as possible to work on my form and recently the intensity.

Last night I did 8x8s with 30 sec rests between the sets, by the end you'll be struggling to lift even the piddly weights :D

I'm only 5ft 7 :p


8x8! Ouch!

How much do you weight out of interest?

Looks like a solid workout Nite :)

Turns out that bench pooned my neck, argh! Was a bit worried about how it would affect my performance today... thankfully not so much!

Squat 67.6 - 5,5,5,5,8
OHP 37.5 - 5,5,5,4,4
DL 85 - 5,5,5,8,8
Pull ups (+negs to 5) - 3,2,0; Pull downs 50 - 5,6
SL DL 40 - 10 -> abandoned, Leg Curls 36 - 10x3

I decided going up to 12 reps on squats was a bit unnecessary, but on the 5th set decided "OK too easy, at least 8". Squats and DL are now going to be 5,5,5,5-8,5-8.

Argh so freakin' close on OHP. I was visibly ****ed off when I failed that 4th set. Going to get it next time, grr :D

I was pleased with my pull-ups too. SL DL abandoned as I felt my lower back was getting too much of a beating and it was niggling. Swapped to leg curls instead for some hammy action.

Quite pleased, good fun session with expected progress. Looking forward to eating myself until I'm sick at cosmo, omnomnom!
Mate this is looking very awesome.

I think you're right to avoid too much volume on your "+" sets, especially with deads. Any estimations of when you'll hit the wall here?
I think squats is going to be gruelling circa-85kg or before, DL - 110, OHP - 42.5ish, bench ~60kg.

Sounds about right.

No real strength goals, but I'd love to do 5x5 on pull ups once more.
Yes it will :mad:

I just had so much cosmo. Trying not to be sick and have been to toilet in anticipation.

So much meat. So much ice cream.

Are you still doing assisted dips? Can you not try just do unassisted? Even if it's just 1 or 2 reps? Much better than assisted for 10.
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