No Man's Sky

Ok Update sounds pretty damn good.


Explorers can now decide to play with different rule sets, across three game modes:
Normal mode is the original chilled exploration experience
Creative mode allows players to explore the universe without limits, and build a huge base
Survival mode really changes the game, creating a much more challenging endurance experience


Claim your home planet by finding an uninhabited base and creating your own, fully bespoke outpost.
Construct your homestead for shelter, using modular structures and decorations, replicated from resources gathered while exploring
Recruit alien lifeforms to help research new technology. Farming, engineer, weapons and science specialists are hirable from Space Stations
Use Terminus Teleporters in Space Stations to teleport to and from your base at will
Expand your base with storage containers to stockpile precious resources and rare products
Find an even more beautiful location and you can simply dismantle your previous homestead to refund all of the spent resources


Cultivate biome dependent crops outdoors, or inside your base or Freighter using Hydroponic Labs
Plants grow over time and offer a steady supply of resources to be harvested
Hire a farming specialist to research and grow ten new plant types, and discover new resource elements


Players can now build essential equipment in the field on-planet

Place save points anywhere in the world, crucial for Survival mode

Automated Harvesters gather resources from mineral deposits in your absence

Waypoints can be placed and colour-coded to allow explorers to return to discoveries

Communications Terminals allow explorers to leave sub-space messages for others to find

Discover nearby mineral deposits, uninhabited bases or suit upgrades with the use of a Signal Scanner


Purchase huge interstellar Freighters at great expense, and then summon them from anywhere in the galaxy
Resources can be teleported to your Freighter while on-planet, ideal for stockpiling goods for trading
Customise the inside of your Freighter within the Base Building section
Create extended cargo holds to expand your vessel’s capacity, and grow crops of rare resources on board
Transport your Freighter and its cargo to different, more economically favourable systems to maximise your earnings
Use the new recruitment system to crew your Freighter with Engineer, Farmer, Weapons and Science specialists to help research new technologies


Discover new biome and star specific resource types as you explore the universe
Craft the new Advanced Mining Laser and Hazmat gauntlets through base building and use them to gather rare resources
Research and discover dozens of new products, building components and technologies

Plus a whole bunch of UI/graphics and other fixes :
I still don't understand the hatred for NMS and Hello Games. It makes me wonder if people bought in to the hype and are now annoyed at themselves. For me, with a few exceptions it was exactly what I thought it was going to be and I am looking forward to trying out this new patch this weekend.
I still don't understand the hatred for NMS and Hello Games. It makes me wonder if people bought in to the hype and are now annoyed at themselves. For me, with a few exceptions it was exactly what I thought it was going to be and I am looking forward to trying out this new patch this weekend.

Because it's the culmination of many years of eating developers BS to only be lied to with what you actually get.

I firmly believe this was the straw that broke the camals back and the internet flipped over it.

You cannot deny they were very deceptive over the whole thing.
I still don't understand the hatred for NMS and Hello Games. It makes me wonder if people bought in to the hype and are now annoyed at themselves. For me, with a few exceptions it was exactly what I thought it was going to be and I am looking forward to trying out this new patch this weekend.

Why do you think? Missing Features in which there are multiple, multiple, multiple videos and evidence of Sean Murray stating there would be included....a £40 price tag for a game that should have been £10.....complete silence for 1/4 of a year...lies and deceit generally are met with disdain for the people that purchase said product..regardless if one or two people got what they wanted out of it.
Well, I still maintain the only thing 'missing' is proper multiplayer....but I never expected that anyway, no idea why they didn't just clarify that point.

People got carried away on a hype train....the game was pretty much what I expected, enjoyed it, haven't played for a while but I am now dipping back in with this patch.
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