No phones with slide out QWERTY 2012?

There is a serious lack of devices in this area, I would also love a high-end device with a slide qwerty. was stuck with my TP2 till may last year waiting for a viable alternative. ended up choosing the GS3. now find that I do a lot less with my phone and tend to get out the laptop far more.
there is really no fully viable alternative to a physical keyboard, but manufactures are more interested in copying each other than producing a device that works for us.
What would be my ideal device is a 2013 version of the TP2 with high end spec in Europe (4 inch screen, quad core 1GB+ Ram, 16GB+ internal, NFC, Wifi, Bluetooth micro SD, decent battery, Micro USB at the bottom, 3.5mm, ). I’d even consider a Windows 8 device with this spec. There seems to be enough people wanting these to make it a commercially viable product.
Why should we have to import?
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