"No, we won't go to the Moon; we will visit Mars instead," says Obama

9 Jan 2007
Returning video tapes
Sounds like the yanks are going to leave the Moon to the Chinese... They'll regret that when the Commies dig up a large rectangular monolith.

It's all hot air anyway, and they'll cancel the project in a few years time. Besides, we don't need Nasa. According to an earlier thread the UK Space agency is planning on us being on Mars in a hundred years time. :D

Good news, ive never cared for the moon.

Oh, c'mon.... Have some love for the poor old Moon. :(

I would've thought the Moon would be a handy practice area to brush up on old skills, before making a Mars shot.
4 Dec 2002
North Lincolnshire
I think having a permanent station on the Moon sound way cooler that visiting Mars which won’t happen in many years to come anyway.

It would also be much more "use" scientificially. Could properly test the gravitational effects on a human being where the long term gravity is much lower than earths. Plus experiments into how much damage cosmic rays + solar wind would actually do to pieces of technology over a period of time when they aren't protected by the earths magnetic field.

Also, for future energy concerns, you could carry out far more "questionable" testing on the moon to limit any "contamination" to earth. Examples being fuel experiments with hydrogen and eventually antimatter + biological experiments with virus' to cure terminal illness etc.

Sadly though, its just a pipe dream!
19 Mar 2003
Why would anyone want to visit an asteroid anyway? Other than blowing one up I can't think of anything interesting to do there.

Also I can't imagine there being a permanent moon base for a long time, it costs enough to keep the ISS running, let alone something 1000 times further away! There's not much incentive to build a base past the initial 'cool' factor...
7 Jul 2009
Why would anyone want to visit an asteroid anyway? Other than blowing one up I can't think of anything interesting to do there.

Also I can't imagine there being a permanent moon base for a long time, it costs enough to keep the ISS running, let alone something 1000 times further away! There's not much incentive to build a base past the initial 'cool' factor...

Get ice to put in your scotch?

If you're referring to the moon (which is a satellite) then among countless other things moon dust contains everything you need to make solar cells. You could, in theory, turn the entire thing into a giant power plant by using automated machines to use the sun's power themselves to melt a layer of it into glass then lay the premade cells onto that. Also, a colony would have just the right amount of gravity for you to be able to strap on a pair of wings and fly.
Man of Honour
4 Nov 2002
West Berkshire
Al Qaeda terrorists, probably - just like the caves on Earth. :p

I agree with the points about using the moon as a testing ground. To the point that I wouldn't be surprised if NASA came to the same conclusion eventually.
18 Oct 2002
It's these kinds of announcements that are a constant reminder of how much this country fails in comparison.

LOL< our government is exactly as good at making pie in the sky predictions about the things we want to do, in 20 years.

I'm getting even more bored with Obama's bs than before.

He's making promise after promise that he'll never have to forfill, ever. Lets fix natural energy and have X% of our power come from renewable sources, by 2020 or something, lets scrap anything to do with the moon, like possibly achievable targets, and go for Mars, 30 years after he's out of office.

Lets fix the healthcare system, in a rather daft set of steps thats due to finish years after I've left office..........

To sum up Obama's time in power, the template of everything he does is this..

lets do "generic wishful thinking thing everyone thinks is a great idea in theory" by "generic date decades after I leave office" then take credit for it while I draw a pension in 30 years time after other people have done it.

What a guy, though in a sense its fairly important the first black president isn't seen as a complete failure with a bunch of plans unfolding in his time in office and all of them failing miserably.

But then its a problem when you have that college kid naivety and act as if any of the targets he's setting are really obtainable in any real way.

Mars is entirely pointless, we can't get there, we can't do anything while there, we can't get back and theres little reason for being there.

THe moon is a fairly realistic goal in terms of maybe establishing a "international space station" type setup but there and maybe using resources on the moon to keep it going/expanding. Mars, is just, daft basically.
7 May 2006
Everyone is worried about the moon nazi's. Thats why we(i mean nasa) are going to Mars instead of the Moon those moon loving mazi's already have beaten us to it.... :D

Its a real shame nasa arent going back to the moon or aiming for a moon base anytime soon. Maybe like the ISS a group of nations could club together in these hard times and go to the moon or mars. I know this would be a nightmare to sort out but overall it would be a cheaper price tag i would guess and everyone in those nations could take some pride in getting there together.
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Man of Honour
30 Aug 2004
Middle of England
Everyone knows the moon is made of cheese anyway. We have plenty of that down here already so don't need no NASA astronauts to go and get more.

:mad: There is Always room for more cheese, I am currently eating my way through the Welsh supply but I still demand they bring the Moon down here for the eating.
19 Mar 2003
Get ice to put in your scotch?

If you're referring to the moon (which is a satellite) then among countless other things moon dust contains everything you need to make solar cells. You could, in theory, turn the entire thing into a giant power plant by using automated machines to use the sun's power themselves to melt a layer of it into glass then lay the premade cells onto that. Also, a colony would have just the right amount of gravity for you to be able to strap on a pair of wings and fly.

Hmm, nice idea, I'd be suprised if that was practical though, beaming gigawatts of power from the moon to earth sounds like a recipe for disaster! I remember playing Sim City all those years ago, you could build powerplants that used orbiting solar panels and power was beamed down from them into big collectors, the damn things kept malfunctioning though and carving a hole in my city!
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