Nobody knows what the accusations are, in this age where people say having a BBQ is racist if you're white, it could literally be a case of him putting his hands on their shoulders or saying something they found patronising and deemed it harrassment
What the hell happened to innocent until proven guilty ? If he'd murdered someone the reaction wouldn't be as bad as this
Your post reminded me in a way, of one of my old man’s humorous asides, he’d say, “If you walked past Mrs. Jones house, and she was changing her blouse with the curtains open, glance at her without breaking your stride, and you’re immediately labelled a Peeping Tom, but if Mrs. Jones walks past your house while you’re changing your jeans, she can accuse you of indecent exposure.”
I say this not to make light of the case under discussion, prior to it hitting the news I’d never heard of the guy, even after seeing photos of him I’m none the wiser, if he’s been on my TV, I didn’t know it.
Reading the posts on here, and watching TV news, it seems that he’s akin to a disciple of Weinstein, yet somehow his fame, or infamy has passed me by.