Noel Clarke sexual predator allegations lead to instant cancellation

Regardless, I think the rules should apply equally to everyone. Enough people have had their lives ruined because of false accusations, I know that much.

For the record, I think it's highly likely he's abused his fame and position, but that's just my perception.
IIRC the allegations include things like voice mails, emails, texts and videos and not just from the victims but from people who worked with him corroborating them.

Also you don't have to be found guilty in a court of law, or even break the law for private businesses and organisations to decide your brand/name is toxic to consumers due to your behaviour.
Lol the video on stage at presumably some Dr Who convention is just him poking a couple of women with a microphone. It was in light humour to describe supposedly what John Barrowman is like, larking about as a gay man getting away with certain frivolity with the opposite sex. I can't imagine those two women were offended on stage even if they'd been nuns.
Lol the video on stage at presumably some Dr Who convention is just him poking a couple of women with a microphone. It was in light humour to describe supposedly what John Barrowman is like, larking about as a gay man getting away with certain frivolity with the opposite sex. I can't imagine those two women were offended on stage even if they'd been nuns.

Indeed. But the truth doesn't get clicks.
Nobody knows what the accusations are, in this age where people say having a BBQ is racist if you're white, it could literally be a case of him putting his hands on their shoulders or saying something they found patronising and deemed it harrassment

What the hell happened to innocent until proven guilty ? If he'd murdered someone the reaction wouldn't be as bad as this

What the **** are you talking about? Having a bbq is racist?

Hell, you don’t even see a problem with someone grabbing a woman? You’re part of the problem.
It's double standards imo.

A man talks dirty to a woman = sexual harassment
A woman talks dirty to a man = £1.50 a minute

No. A man pays £1.50 to hear it. A woman living her life whilst a man talks dirty to her, doing her shopping whilst a man talks dirty to her, whilst waiting for the bus whilst a man talks dirty to her. That’s the difference. If you don’t see that, then there’s no hope.
Whatever happened to the presumption of innocence until guilty in this country? do we really have to revert back to the medieval days of pitch fork waving mobs deciding an accused persons fate?

Anyway, 20th century civilisation aside he's been accused so obviously that means he's automatically 100% guilty and thankfully all of his TV shows have been alrady pulled from the television so that we don't have to look at him any more.. but what happens if any of us are out shopping and he's walking around town? can't we just put him in permanent lock down until the day he dies or arrange it another way so that none of us ever have to see him again? I mean being exposed to him in real life is 10 times than seeing him acting in our favourite programme on the television. I don't think I could survive the encounter.

In the interest of social justice AKA mob mentality how should we deal with him OCUK? I feel like cancelling him from television, sacking him and blacklisting him from most future employment is not enough to prevent the horror of ever seeing him again. Can we put up a poll or something then we can see if the smaller OCUK mob are in agreement with the wider cultural mob.

You realise the newspapers have been doing this for decades right? Ruining people's lives for sales when they'd only been accused, sometimes by nothing more than a journalist. Were you as outraged by that? Or is it just that you see this as a left thing, even though the right has been cancelling people for years. You are so transparent with your faux outrage.
Some of the posters on here are living in the 1980s still, they really are. I'm just waiting for the one particular poster to pop in with his excuse for men accused of sexually assaulting women that the women were either, a: lying. b: saying it to get money c: asking for it.
Im really offended and i stand with all the victims of these horrible actions. Nothing has changed since #metoo.
No. A man pays £1.50 to hear it. A woman living her life whilst a man talks dirty to her, doing her shopping whilst a man talks dirty to her, whilst waiting for the bus whilst a man talks dirty to her. That’s the difference. If you don’t see that, then there’s no hope.

ITT: neckbeards question why women are only coming forward now while simultaneously questioning the integrity and honesty of 20 women with similar accounts.

Exactly. I put £20 that Ahlechz is one of them.

Get your pitch forks out :p
He is still innocent under UK law. These organisations are free to protect their image however they see fit. In my mind it is no different to a social media platform banning a politician.

Furthemore, if the threat to a career, regardless of proven guilt, makes just one would-be groper think again, it's a great outcome. It's a nice, non-legislative way to tip the balance and push people to behave in ways that lower the risk of accusation, by respecting others.
That absolutely has to be parody, but the scary thing is there's a good chance it isn't. :(

The question that needs to be asked here is why are they giving it air time? They are worse then the idiot talking about bbqs being racist.

Another 7 have come forward. Allegedly asked a female colleague to get her vagina out and wee on a colleague during a prank.

Classy bloke.
have you actually watched sky news australia before? it's not like sky news in the UK.

it's a bunch of red faced gammons constantly whining about the evil chinese etc go check how "anti woke" they are it's ridiculous and the bias isn't even hidden, it's like fox news

they want to stoke the racial hatred because it gets views.

I used to like some of their articles but then I realised that's all they do constantly bash people and try to cause divide

anyway man was cooking on an open fire since time began, any black people who try to claim it as their own can do one.

maybe in the USA black people do BBQ in other parts of the world it's not so much...

people in africa probably couldn't give a crap they have actual things to worry about, some of these "cultural appropriation" idiots should actually go to some african countries and then look how much of the western world they appropriated

what bro? you ain't wearing a leaf over your todger? your not bare feet bro? that's appropriation of the white man

utterly ridiculous to claim any race has the divine right to anything, I don't care what is it is. THAT IS RACIST

real rascism is looking at someone different because of the colour of the skin, racism aint some white guy going to KFC
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Not that I endorse his behaviour but humans are gonna human. Punish him in the eyes of the law and be done with it but where do we go next?

Punish women for fluttering her eyes at her husband to get her way?

I despair at the amount of bandwagon keyboard warriors these days. Whatever happened to just letting the courts deal with the people involved? Everyone has to stick their nose in these days. If it doesn't affect you then keep out if it in my opinion.
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