noisy hdd

3 Mar 2006
Atcham, Shropshire
I have 2 Samsung F1's, a 600gb and a 500gb.

One of them is making an awful noise, It first started around 2 weeks ago with a high pitched whine that stopped if i lightly tapped the pc case a bit which led me to believe it was a loose panel or something just vibrating.

Now it has advanced to something that sounds similar to a piece of metal dragging across the floor at high speed and is definitely coming from one of the drives, my guess is it's the head dragging on the platter but I have ran ESTOOLS and it's passing both drives.

I have had no problems at all so far except the awful noise it makes, would they accept the drive for RMA due to the excessive noise its creating?
If it is what I think it is, then RMAing would be no problem.

One of my Samsung F1's made the most aweful scraping noise when it was powered on. This was a new drive as well, so I sent it straight back.

There was no doubt it was faulty.
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