non-fault accident... helphire involved by my insurance co..

the problem with helphire is specificly with the costs it puts on the industry

Helphire only take on cases where they are sure that you are not to blame and there is no way you could be at fault. Given that you were already on the roundabout, and she drove onto it, into you, this looks like just such a case.

The problem is that they will charge her insurance co something in the region of £200 a day for your hirecar, so thats £1000 a week. If your car is away for 2 weeks then thats £2000 plus the actual cost of the repair, which being insurance work is usually extornionate anyway. As an exmaple, i bumped into the back of somebody, cracked my numberplate and scratched her car.

Helphire charged my insurance co £700 for a new bumper fitted and sprayed, and over £2500 in hire car charges for 2 weeks (who needs 2 weeks to fit a bumper)

Total cost to my insurnace co = £3200 for a scratch
Total cost to me = £10.

This wont pose you a problem, as its not you who picks up the costs. But its companies like helphire that cost the insurance companies millions in un-needed charges. They are effectively profiteering out of the insurance companies

which puts our insurnace premiums up.

Now they've got involved its too late to turn back, so dont worry too much.

I got a Mazda 3 TS2 for £35 a day with helphire when a woman crashed into me doing pretty much the same damage (minus the wheel)...

I felt guilty taking the hire car but as I recall the third party paid out, not the 3rd party insurer. So it wasn't the industry :p
If an insurer was able to do most things (hire cars and repairs) in house with excellent service I reckon they could be very competitively priced!

i think one of the reasons helphire and others are popping up is because they cant do it competitively at all. it costs them too much to have their own repair centres and hire car facilities.
TBH, why should you get a better car than someone else just because you say you're going away for a week? :p
Sucks nonetheless.

If I was just running about then fine.:)
However, I'm 6'4" and over 17st.
You try and get 2 people plus camping gear into a Micra, as well as 2 dogs.;)
TBH, why should you get a better car than someone else just because you say you're going away for a week? :p
Sucks nonetheless.
Why should you be inconvenienced by the actions of another when you have insurance to cover such events?
Why should you be inconvenienced by the actions of another when you have insurance to cover such events?

I agree that the insurance company should have suitable cars available, even through a third-party hire company if needed. But that doesn't alter the simple fact that if I, and someone else of much larger stature, sent in our BMW 5 series cars to be repaired and they only had one 5 series hire car and one Micra, I wouldn't consider their size as sufficient reason for giving me the Micra. Similarly if the other person happened to be going on holiday while I just wanted a runaround, I wouldn't consider that justification for giving them the nice car and me the POS to drive around in. It may be selfish but that's the way it is.

If I was just running about then fine.:)
However, I'm 6'4" and over 17st.
You try and get 2 people plus camping gear into a Micra, as well as 2 dogs.;)

As above really.. I agree they should have suitable cars available at all times - since they're providing the hire car to prevent inconvenience, the hire car should actually do the job it's been provided for.
The plot thickens?

Received a letter from the 3rd party's insurance co today. Had a phone call from them on monday pm too, but when I spoke to them then I informed them that HH were involved.

Anyway, letter's basically offering me a replacement car etc, listing charges etc for hire (payable by them, not me) - but at the end it says something like:
If you refuse this offer, we reserve the right to refuse to pay for any charges for hire cars incurred by you or on your behalf.

HH is closed, 3rd party insurance is closed. I'm royally ****ed off.

I guess i just have to wait until the morning to call HH? Sooooo stressed.
I had a great experience when claiming on my insurance, they sorted out hire, lifts, garage and everything. All sorted the same day i made my call really... :) No helphire involved
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