Northern lights from my back garden

Do they actually move or when we see videos are they always sped up?

Do they essentially look like green clouds?
Id describe it as a plume of smoke being blown in a breeze. Pouring a pot of dye/paint off a bridge into a slow moving river :P (put the bong down)
it does move/ripple whatever a poetic word would be. But yeah its sped up.

THis was a pretty weak display, a lot of extra exposure time. When its 3 or 4 times stronger than this, **** gets real ! then it looks like all the professional tour photos.

Another quick set of pics from tonight im still trying to learn how to use this bloody pixel camera...
i bought a crap tripod and its helping :P
im going to get good at this... one day
Im still working on the films.... but i got something showing the movement
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