Not Available whilst on Call - Sack able Offence?

It sounds like one though, binning someone for lateness twice in 3 months is ridiculous. Thankfully I work for a company that is driven by results, at the end of the day that is what matters.
Coming in late at my work means whoever you are taking off is now leaving work late. Assuming they stay on past their official end time, which they don't have to do. If they are doing a safety critical role that has to be covered at all times then you are looking at finding a 3rd person to cover while the late person comes in. A whole lot of hassle, no?
Personally I think it depends on the nature of the role. If you are a driver, work in a contact centre, or any other resource driven/time specific role then you need to be on time or find another job to be honest.

I suppose it depends what you consider late, a company I used to work for brought in a scheme where if you were more than 59 seconds late 3 times in 6 months you got a disciplinary. They lost 92 staff shortly after to a competitor about 2 miles away which was about a sixth of the work force on site & for about a year afterwards were begging us all to do overtime. Great for me as I was putting in 60 hours a month at double & triple time but bad for the company.

I feel I have dragged this a little off topic now, but more on topic if you are on call then you are at work & I believe that going out on the razz whilst at work is as bad as stashing a bottle of vodka in your desk drawer.
I think it's fair enough to be honest, on call means you need to be in a fit state to work if needed and being hungover isn't good enough. I'd expect to be fired in that position and would expect to fire someone if they let me down like that within 6 months.
My on-call requires a 15 minute response time. Miss it once and it's a slap on the wrist, miss it again and I'd expect disciplinary action. It's in my contract and I get paid for it, so I ensure I meet my obligations. If I can't, I find someone to cover for me.
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