Ahhh typical words from the Conservative supporting Sun. Its amazing how quickly the Sun has turned its back on Labour lately, i can see it in a lot of articles.
What the Sun fails to heed is that despite this massive recession (caused i'll add by Conservative funding bankers at Halifax, RBS, Barclays etc etc) the economy is still only 5X% of GDP in debt, compared to the 44% of GDP in debt we were in under the Conservatives when Labour came to power, odd given that there was no financial crisis and yet the Tories somehow managed to rank up that amount of debt.
In my amazement to David Cameron and his constant speeches they always go along these lines:
Labour have wrecked the Economy and we can do something about it....
o_O OK what can you do about it?
Labour have wrecked the Economy and we can do something about it....
Labour have wrecked it.. now i studied Economics at Oxford (whilst smoking pot)
o_O so Dave what can you do to fix it?
Well this Govt is a farce but i will with my Oxford Economics Degree fix it
o_O how?
Well i will
o_O how?
I will
o_O How
Links on this:
http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=David+Cameron+says+Labour+wrecked+the+Economy&meta= plenty there
There is far too much bad press about Labour, people should look to see what the tories plan, if the spending cuts they propose then you are looking at least 200,000 people on the dole PLUS knock on jobs from them, plus additionally they would lay off tens of thousands from the NHS, where are they going to get the money from to pay for these hundreds of thousands extra benefits? I think i saw somewhere that the average jobseeker when on HB and CTB it works out at a cost of over £10,000 per yer.
Additionally they were on about cutting the Police force that people say aren't working. David Cameron bleats that the Govt has failed on crime... Gordon Browns easy answer on PMQT was "There are more people in jail than there every was under any Conservative Govt"
The sad fact is that next General Election we are likely to see the Govt Bought in not Brought in, the Conservatives have got their war chest loaded in one event a banker (i poo you not) donated £500,000... one hour speech moaning about the Govt but with no substance and £500,000 better off!
The expenses fiasco there was an outcry people demanded Gordon Brown make them release details. Moaned when it was taking so long, low and behold you can now see which of your MP's milked you the most, there was no thanks just the next one "Make them pay it back" quite a few have/will start to soon no thanks just the next one "Disgusting what Labour have done under these expenses"... how strange it is then that among the £500m worth of claims that it is Conservative MP's who between them claimed a massive £248m worth of expenses, meaning that
all the other elected parties claim between them £252m.
Can't find the link but i read it in the Mirror when it all came out. Will try and find the link at some point. If i'm wrong i'll admit i'm wrong
Additionally education. Many people on here are probably moaning about the University fees etc that Labour brought in. The issue around this is that Labour brought in University fees because they brought in EMA to help more disadvanted youngsters be able to go to College (an area that i work in) and then College and University would not just be for the parents on good wages, but the parents on any wage can have their child given the opportunity to go to College and thus make the nation more academically gifted. This is often overlooked.
One thing i agree is that Labour have created a Benefits trap and should cut the amount of cash paid to long standing Dole Dossers (5+years).