Now this is FAST!!!!

Well, it's a fresh build for a start, so it's gonna be a lot quicker than if it wasn't a fresh build.

So how did he manage to get it so fast?
it's probably housed on some sort of ramdrive, they probably haven't got the storage space to do anything else but brag. :p
I-RAM is rubbish - it only holds the data if the machine is plugged into an electrical socket. If the power is off for too long you lose the entire OS :(
it doesnt matter if you dont turn your pc on it only matters when ther is no power, so you could leave your pc for a hole year aslong as there is still power to your comp (even when shut down) it will work fine
bbreezeuk said:
exacly, i saw another eview and they estimated the I-RAM was going to be around £200 minus the 4GB of ram

Ouch! ABout £400 onch you got 4gb!

Thats great for people on 24/7, UPS supplies etc. Im sure it wont be long before someone rigs a months worth of BU battery on it ;)
I still quite fancy getting myself one of thsoe beasts!!

Would be quite handy for work too. Bet its nice for video editing. :)
The gigabyte version has a 10 hour battery that recharges when the machine is on.

I think I RAM could take off. I mean its like having windows already loaded. All it has to do is transfer it to your proper system memory.

Imagine an 8gb version of this with not only the o/s on there but your fave games. Its faster than a 4 disk raid and consumes about the same power as an average drive and is SILENT.

But its VERY expensive and has limited storage capacity. 5 years time it may be more viable.

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