NP: The now playing thread

Originally posted by Seraphim
I am currently listening to the music from the advert for DeAgostini's fine publication I Love Horses. Who can resist it's catchy chorus with the classic lines:

I love horses,
Best of all the animals,
I love horses,
They're my friends!

Current estimation of time until insanity - 5 minutes.

ahahaha, we played that full volume in Science the other day :p Everyone clicked on the link at the same time and so we had like 30 PCs all playing it :P
Yet another Sigur Ròs listener - currently the final track of () at undesirably low volume to avoid incurring the wrath of my noise-allergic sister. Perhaps I'll just turn it up a little...
Originally posted by Some bloke
Yet another Sigur Ròs listener...
[music-elitist]Looks like I'll have to drop Sigur Ròs then, they're far too popular[/music-elitist] ;)

I'm currently listening to In The Ghetto by the King himself, Elvis Aaron Presley, ripped from the Elvis DVD I bought ages ago and haven't watched for years. Elvis lives!
Originally posted by Seraphim
[music-elitist]Looks like I'll have to drop Sigur Ròs then, they're far too popular[/music-elitist] ;)
Bah, don't try your smiley-infested 'irony' on me, I'm feeling devastated at the moment - I just found out that my sister didn't immediately burst in my room to demand a corrective volume reduction following my marginal cranking earlier tonight because she was out. And I didn't know. It could be weeks, nay, years before I get another opportunity like that. All those hours of blissful non-headphone loud music listening and post-adolscent parent-annoying, lost forever...

To ease me through this distressing period and provide the necessary means of catharsis, I have dug out my seldom-spun copy of Nine Inch Nails - Broken. It's not working, I think I need something stronger.
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