NP: The now playing thread

The k/da stuff that just came out ... I don't play league and grew up mainly on metal and punk ... but it's pretty catchy and I think I kinda like it ... but might be sick of it in a day or 2.

Love this song it is right out of the top draw of the Josh Doyle song book, really hoping he manages to generate some significant success with his new venture (Church of Roswell) he seems to have been on the verge of a breakthrough ever since the Dum Dums imploded back in the day.
Anytime I'm starting to fire up a lot of smashing pumpkins again it's a fairly safe bet I'm not doing so great ... I'm not knocking them at all, they've got a lot of classic songs, but if I'm starting to identify with some of the stuff in them it probably means I'm in a bad place.
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