NR200 Owner's Thread

I just spoke to customer services who confirmed that 50 black came in but there were more preorders so no extra to list on the website.

I haven't received an email but they did confirm that I have got one coming in the next few days.

I'm moving tomorrow so will be camping outside of the "old" house to catch the delivery

Thanks for the update - I must be in the same boat, but for the white version. At least I'm not moving house! Best of luck.
I just spoke to customer services who confirmed that 50 black came in but there were more preorders so no extra to list on the website.

I haven't received an email but they did confirm that I have got one coming in the next few days.

I'm moving tomorrow so will be camping outside of the "old" house to catch the delivery
As I ordered a few weeks before you hopefully that means I'll be getting mine now, too. Ordered on 24th September...
Sounds like I got lucky on the early shipping and they haven’t started going through the back orders yet.

I’ll let you know if it makes the DPD truck later tonight.
I was late pre-ordering - only a few weeks ago - but it's good to hear that orders are coming through at last.

I only have the ITX m/b and SFX PSU so far. Maybe CPUs will start to be in stock for whole minutes at a time by the new year, and maybe I'll find some RAM too, but GPUs I dont think Ive got a chance for many months as I'd still like an FE for this case.

I'm managing 70+ fps at medium-ish on Cyberpunk at 50% render scale for a 4K screen with HDR with a 1080ti & 6700K which will have to do for now.
hello everyone
I need help to route the hd audio cable i have tried everything but it still block the gpu slot
mb: rog strix b550-i

Same Mobo @far from home . I ran mine along the top with the PS extension, then behind the CPU cooler. People do bring up a good point in that I havent used that 3.5mm in the front in years.

When I rebuild it when my 5900x comes in I'll take pics.
Anyone getting a whiring/whining from the top 120mm fans when running at higher RPMs? Have a feeling it may just be me as my under desk mount is obstructing probably about 1cm either side of each fan. Have ordered some noctua replacements to see if it makes it better
Anyone getting a whiring/whining from the top 120mm fans when running at higher RPMs? Have a feeling it may just be me as my under desk mount is obstructing probably about 1cm either side of each fan. Have ordered some noctua replacements to see if it makes it better

Haven't had any personal experience of it but have read several accounts of the issue you are having with the stock fans.

Have started to look at my build again - added two NF-A15 (140mm, 120mm hole spacing) fans to the bottom of the case and it fills the space out really nicely.

Having owned it from launch, it is a great case and I think the lack of availability speaks to that. I have a C14S in it which is massive and you can still access whatever you need to get at, thanks to the extensive panel removal.
Anyone getting a whiring/whining from the top 120mm fans when running at higher RPMs? Have a feeling it may just be me as my under desk mount is obstructing probably about 1cm either side of each fan. Have ordered some noctua replacements to see if it makes it better

Plenty of people with the same issue in this thread. It happens at certain RPMs (IIRC, it's around 1,000 or something?).

I just have mine spinning slowly (600-900 RPM). There's a really steep ramp up if temps get out of hand, to ensure the system doesn't overheat. But so far I've only managed to trigger that in benchmarks.
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