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Modjo said:
I've managed to squeeze a bit more out with the help of one of your mambers (Thanks El Jimben!!)
nice boost there mate :)
vapor matt said:
some more tweaks!
congrats buddy........very nice score....and a 4k personal jump :D
LewisStuart said:
Opty 146 @ 2.8GHz
Nice one........can we say 5K soon? ;)
I got a small increase aswell :)

all updated
I'll update this in the morning guys, been busy all day today.

Anyone who visits XS will most likely notice they've given me an all expenses paid holiday for a month, due to a little mis-understanding between me and ****EYE :o

Not to worry though, just means OCUK gets more of my time ;)

Nice scores all :)
Yeah sorry guys, been seriously busy lately.......and lost my login details and IE favs to boot :(

I'd appreciate (as I'm sure others would) if someone else would take over this thread as I simply no longer have time to spend updating all my threads on all the forums I'm a member of.

Again, I'm sorry for such a delay in the updates, but it genuinely couldn't be helped. Look at it this way now atleast have a NUCLEARUS TOP THREAD of your own....thanx to me :)

your ever loving OC buddy,

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