Nurse arrested for murdering babies

MPs get 300 quid for attending parliament? a day? and 90% of them just sit there doing nothing... it's also part of their job they get paid for?

Members of the House of Lords receive a £361 per day attendance allowance, plus travel expenses and subsidised restaurant facilities. Apparently, they get paid when they turn up and a lot of them don't come back after lunch. Nice work if you can get it!
The best are those 'paired' MPs who only ever turn up if a vote is close and their vote is needed. In this Parliament that will be unlikely. These MPs are free to get on with their other jobs.

I wonder what they would say if people claimed unemployment benefits(a fraction of MP's salaries) but went about other jobs?
Maybe consider it a civic duty once in your lifetime... You know - help society out etc... :rolleyes:

Most of the time it's a couple of days, maybe a week out of your 60/70/80 year lifetime...

it's not a lot to ask...

I'd be more than happy to do jury service, but unfortunately my mortgage lender, utility providers, childminder and local supermarket don't take "civic duty" as payment.

I'd either have to take it as annual leave, spend the time working rather than jurying, or not sleep for the duration so I could catch up on work during the night, none of which would be particularly healthy or fair, either for me or the person I'm supposed to be giving a fair trial.
I'd be more than happy to do jury service, but unfortunately my mortgage lender, utility providers, childminder and local supermarket don't take "civic duty" as payment.

I'd either have to take it as annual leave, spend the time working rather than jurying, or not sleep for the duration so I could catch up on work during the night, none of which would be particularly healthy or fair, either for me or the person I'm supposed to be giving a fair trial.

If you can take annual leave, presumably you aren't self employed? If you work for a company you might want to check what policy your employer has about this, as you may still get paid whilst on jury duty or when called to attend court as a witness.
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