I've been gaming for the past 20 years. For the past 5 years, with a second hand card for the first time, as I couldn't justify prices. I just play older games at high settings. Buy the games for £5 off steam when on sale and play them on my cheap gpu. I'll continue doing that until gpus come down in price. What this does is it drives revenues down for gpu manufacturers and games companies as well. I can easily spent a few thousand on a top of the line PC but I chose not to. I spent £1,000 on my setup in sig and put myself a £1,400 budget when I started, so need to get something for £400 which will allow me to play ultra settings, over 60fps at 1440p. Otherwise, keep my 780ti, buy a console, and then a year later buy a used 2000 series nvidia for £200 to carry on playing older games.