Thanks guys not only for the votes but the kind comments in general,

and congrats MooMoo do believe you're the first one to notice that.
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I'm still waiting for the psd crypto :p

Don't worry haven't forgotten about it, just been tied up with a few things and know how long it will take to upload.

*Email sent. Enjoy :D also no "r" in my name :P but don't worry your not the first to do it, and I'm sure you won't be the last.
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Don't worry haven't forgotten about it, just been tied up with a few things and know how long it will take to upload.

*Email sent. Enjoy :D also no "r" in my name :P but don't worry your not the first to do it, and I'm sure you won't be the last.

Havnt received it yet :(

And ok 'crypto' :p
Check your junk folder, because I sent it Thu, 23 Jan 2014 23:26:09.

I'll send you the same thing again via trust, hopefully that won't get flagged as spam.
Cheers guys, and thanks for the update Valkia Literally sitting on the edge of my seat in anticipation. :D
Rather big update guys,

Been talking with Valkia from OCUK and artwork has been sent off for printing so we can expect to see those soon. Also I've been told GPU (GTX 780ti) is to be sent off early next week. The original page didn't say which card it was as it wasn't released then.

Big thanks to everyone that voted for me and again for Valkia setting up the competition.

I'll be sure to post a few pics when it arrives to finish everything off. Which ties in rather well as my new 2011 build will be completed around the same time.
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