All companies "cheat" - it's how they make money. Just look at what Intel got away with over the years.
Whilst I'd like to continue my loyal AMD support, I'm not willing to sacrifice my gaming experience by choosing the underdog anymore. Unless Polaris can somehow beat NVIDIA in gameworks games, I'll be all over Pascal.
And yet in ARK my mates R9 280 has better performance than my more powerful GTX960. That is a Gameworks title. The Division is an Nvidia Gameworks but look at how well the AMD cards perform in it. All the usual suspects are dead silent on that one - even with Nvidia effects in it,its ridiculous that your R9 390X is holding up with a GTX980 with Gameworks effects on:
With them off,look where the card is.
Check the reviews I have posted there. An R9 380X is within 15% to 20% of a GTX970. Yeah,a slightly updated HD7970.
The latest Hitman benchmarks place an R9 390X within a few percent of a 1.4GHZ GTX980TI!! The latest FarCry title is more of the same.
It means nothing - the grass is always greener on the other side.
But I like how some seem to think DX12 performance is only important for a broken game which was never a PC thing,more an XBox360 title,even many here won't buy it,but when a few games like Hitman, which have had a strong PC following for years,or a game with a strong heritage in PC RTS games like Sins of a Solar Empire,suddenly DX12 is not important since they need to justify the fact that their GTX970/GTX980 is rubbish in it. I know more gamers interested in Ashes including those with Nvidia cards just down to the history of who is involved with the game. I will buy it even if it runs worse than my mates who have newer AMD cards.
Then go on how important Gameworks are for them,then forget the Gameworks games like The Division which seem to run great on AMD hardware. Oh wait...!
Then how many of those shoddy,buggy Gameworks labled games like WatchDogs and Batman do you have?? Just because you have a giant Gameworks banner on it,does not mean it will even run on Nvidia hardware that great or is a sign of any sort of quality.
Great if you have a GTX980TI or Titan X,but the rest of the range??
I have no issues with the R9 380 beating my card,as it transpires it is the better overall package.
As a midrange user,having first seen my GTX660 tank in performance against my mates R9 270X and HD7870XT cards and now my GTX960 increasingly being owned by a R9 380,unless AMD balls up entirely with Polaris or I get some silly deal on an Nvidia card I think I will be switching back to them after being three years with the green team.
Remember your R9 390X is essentially a 2.5 year old GPU - it is competing with TWO generations of Nvidia GPUs.
Its a joke that cards like the GTX970 and GTX980 which are newer and "more advanced" don't seem to be holding up that great against ancient AMD cards in even Nvidia titles.
This is turning out more like the FX vs the 9500 PRO.
None of my mates with aftermarket R9 290/R9 290X cards bothered changing them and yet were fine in games like Fallout 4 even which had Nvidia specific effects like GodRays,which were meh at best. Even in W3,they could adjust tessellation and get reasonable performance. People I knew who had Kepler cards= Tough luck city and the dev had to add options.
If I were you step back for a minute and take a deep breadth.
An R9 390X is more powerful than what most gamers have and as shown in The Division,it can run even Nvidia sponsored games fine.
If not it will be the case,every year when AMD or Nvidia start alternatively sponsoring more games you will be flip-flopping each year and wasting your money.