I got to agree with ALXAndy on pricing. It's def become more expensive than ever to stay at the high end. Even if you include inflation and VAT, we are paying way over the odds.
I would need two. That's two grand.
For that I can buy a whole car FFS. It's not even a joke.
Its probably AMD has seen all the people buying Titan and Titan X cards,and thought lets ramp up our next card prices too and see if anyone bites...
But I agree with you regarding the prices rising on each side,but luckily there are plenty of great games which will run fine on your setup fine if you are not after the best graphics you can get currently.
There comes a point where you choke your target market. There's two modus operandi for selling things. 1. you charge a massive price and hope you sell enough to make a profit on what it cost to make you. 2. you 'turn and burn' and sell them cheaper, but, sell more of them.
There's no reason at all to go with option 1. The sensible thing to do is make your product available to the entire market, not just a small portion of it. People bought the 970 in droves because it was cheaper than the 980 and almost as good (at 1080p). And that's fine. Maybe that gave Nvidia the headroom to create a stupid product. The thing is the stupid product is actually needed by people like me who have a 4k monitor.
I'm not paying two grand to play a game. Sorry, the madness ends there for me. I bought my Titan Blacks because I thought they would make for a safe bet. Yet here I am, ten months after release, and Nvidia are already dropping game support for them. That's disgusting. I thought by spending £1400 I would be safe for a couple of years, not 10 months.
I'm not going to rip into the people that are actually paying these prices. It's their lookout. I just hope they have the funds in place for future releases, given that they're willing to spend the sort of money PC gaming now costs.
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