I was lucky enough to get a 3080 at release so I've already had the benefit of a almost a years use while I've also made enough while mining in the downtime to make a 4000 series a free upgrade so it's a no brainer for me to upgrade rather than stick with a card that has seen heavy use and will only have a year or less warranty left.
See now that makes sense, I respect that. You got 3080 on launch, and have gamed and mined on it for almost a year already, the warranty will soon be up, and it basically paid for itself already, so anticipating the 40 series makes perfect sense for you.
It’s worrying about the next launch when people
don’t already have a 30 series that I find ridiculous. I just don’t understand the stigma. People act like the release of new components makes the older ones irrelevant, but new components are released all year every year, it’s not a seasonal industry - people just seem to
think it is, because announcing tech at annual conferences became such a big thing. And anyone cancelling their order in light of a newer release is basically just asking to jump into another queue that will be even longer, since the 5nm will be even more scarce lol. It makes me laugh how Nvidia can’t seem to put 3080 or 3090 in peoples hands but they just managed to put almost seven-hundred 48GB a6000s in their new supercomputer right here in the UK. But I digress.
I’m stuck with an EVGA 960 SSC, saved for months to afford a 3080 in the first place, paid in full in October and still waiting. I basically have a zero interest savings account with the bank of OCUK lol. If I can survive in 2021 with a 2GB card from 2015, I’m sure I’ll do just fine in 2023 with a 10GB card from 2020, the rest of my rig is solid. I won’t be buying another new GPU after this one til my next rig, when motherboards with next generation chipsets and DDR5 support become standard, and no way in
hell am I making
that jump on the first of such components I see.