All this 4000 series talk is bonkers! It's all chinese whispers and rumour. I guarantee that none of the AIBs will have any 4000 series visibility on road maps yet so any "news" can only have come out of Nvidia or their fabricators and those guys are more secretive than the CIA in general so I think it's all BS. The earliest any believable rumours usually emerge is six months, which is roughly when the AIBs get told to given a buying schedule for current chipsets.
Well you’re entitled to your own opinion but it must be pointed out that in this thread people have repeatedly posted CORRECT rumors LONG before you guys ever replied to our comments about them, or acknowledged them. We knew the TI was coming, and it’s specs, and both it’s launch windows, from leaks. We knew LHR was coming, and when, from leaks (I myself posted it in this thread, months beforehand). We had SEEN 3080Ti AIBs in photos and in boxes on pallets, when you were claiming they couldn’t possibly exist because Nvidia and distributors haven’t told you anything about it in advance. As if they ever do...
WE currently KNOW the next batch is due 2022, and you should too. Go watch the 3060Ti reveal from JANUARY 2021.
Jensen Huang himself said it. It’s called
Ampere Next (ie, not 40 series, but a refresh -
30 Super, as 40 series is codenamed Lovelace)...
So go on, tell me, how exactly is that Chinese whispers? It’s official information, vague, but directly from the horses mouth. It’s even written on Ampere’s Wikipedia page ffs.
Every time we point out something we KNOW is coming, you lot act like it’s complete hearsay. Then two weeks later when it becomes real and it’s all over the news, you still have no answers. To you, these GPUs represent business, profit. To us, they might represent quality of life, or even our income. You’re not the ones who have been trawling the net all day every day for shreds of hope of attaining a card you might physically need to earn a living. You’re not the people refreshing stock alerts 24/7, and watching news like hawks. We are.
I understand that you probably have to be very careful what you say, for legal reasons, and you don’t wanna speculate, but you talk to us like we’re conspiracy theorists or something for stating something we read in the news. We have to keep an eye on what people further up the manufacture/supply chain are doing, because you’ve basically had no information for us since the start. All we are doing is trying to help eachother see the bigger picture, so we can get through this fiasco.
Please don’t go round telling people they are wrong, when you yourself are completely in the dark, and have diddly squat info to prove otherwise. It’s bad practice on a social level, but even worse when you’re representing a business... I am sorry for ranting, its nothing personal, I get it 2040 pages and 40k posts, you’re tired of our ****, but that’s no reason to shoot people down for having a valid discussion...