Should I get this card to replace my GTX560 ?
I dont play games but i use the CuDA cores for video muxing, so the jump from the 338 cores on the 560 to the 480 cores on the 480 may be of benefit to me...
I dont know, architectually, how the CUDA stuff works and whether the clock speed of the memeory and gpu in the 560 also has an effect on muxing times but you guys seem to be saying the 480 is as good as a 570....?
I dont play games but i use the CuDA cores for video muxing, so the jump from the 338 cores on the 560 to the 480 cores on the 480 may be of benefit to me...
I dont know, architectually, how the CUDA stuff works and whether the clock speed of the memeory and gpu in the 560 also has an effect on muxing times but you guys seem to be saying the 480 is as good as a 570....?